[04] - be ready to lose

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"WE ARE NEVER EVER GETTING BACK TOGETHER!" the whole crowd shouts the lyrics of Miss Tay Tay's song.

Lizzie points her finger to me and I chuckle. I definitely won't. Quells has disappeared into the crowd but I'm pretty sure I saw the purple haired girl taking her away.

"I'm going to get some air, will you be fine?" I shout into Liz's ear and she nods with a thumbs up.

I find my way through the crowd until I reach the front door. Last time I checked the backyard was pretty full so this is better.

Closing the door and feeling the cold breeze against my skin, I catch sight of Stone smoking. I curse myself in every language I know, regretting not having chosen the backyard now.

Maybe he won't notice i'm-

"Take a picture and it will last longer, princess" his annoying voice cuts- and contradicts- my thoughts.

"I'd rather being eaten alive then having to stare at your face any longer" i retort.

"Glad to know the feeling's mutual"

"Glad to know you're still the same jerk as always"

"Already calling me names, Rivera? So mature of you" he rolls his eyes.

"I'm surprise you even know what maturity means" I return the snarky observation.

His eyes slice to mine for a moment, empty of emotions as always. I don't even bother to try to read him- it's pointless. Besides it would be wasting my time with such excuse of a person.

"What are you doing here, Rivera?" his sudden question takes me back a bit.

"I don't know Stone, what do you do at a party? Eat popcorn and cuddle?" the sarcastic answer is out of my mouth before I can hold it back.

"Funny" he rolls his eyes "I meant in my college?"

"First, it's definitely not yours. Second, none of your business. Third, because I can" I shrug.

"Ah, the ex wasn't it?" I'm pretty sure my silence gave it away "Couldn't you have chosen somewhere else?"

"Believe me Stone, being in your presence isn't my favourite thing either" I flash him a fake smile while he jumps off the fence and walks closer.

It really wasn't but my education is more important than any feud I have with this asshole. I won't prejudice my future just because he's got the brains of a ten year old.

"You're Santi's sister and I'm very influential in this school. Soon you will be living hell and I will enjoy every single fucking second of it" he exhales the smoke of his cigarette on my face.

I clench and unclench my jaw, forcing myself to not slap his pathetic face right here right now. He's trying to get me riled up and I will not give him the pleasure.

"After so long, I'd expect you to know I will never step so low to be known as just Santiago's sister. You want to play this game, Stone? Be ready to lose" I let the corner of my lips tug into a ghost of a smirk.

"I never lose, princess" his smug is back and I'm dedicated to rip it off his face.

"As far as I recall, you've lost in one of our games before" I shoot him a challenging glare.

It's dangerous waters. We've never been ones to talk about shit like that. It's not a big deal- it shouldn't be anyway.

"It was enough for me to never make the same mistake again" he remarks.

"You make a mistake everyday when you decide to get out of bed and ruin people's day with your existence" I say through gritted teeth as his jaw clenches.

He runs his tongue over his teeth, deepening his glare. Somehow it turned into a staring context- one I won't loose- and it looks could kill we would both be six feet under.

"Here I thought maybe you had finally grown up, seems like you're really incapable of doing that" he notes, rising up my anger.

"Guess I fell down the same path as you"

"Are you calling me childish?"

"Gone deaf now too?"

"I wish I could, it would be a dream not having to hear your annoying voice" his brows rise up to make a point.

"Yeah because being stuck with your own is so much better" I roll my eyes "It will be a blessing to destroy you in your own school, Stone"

"Good luck trying, Rivera"

He gets to have the last words as the front door burst out open and we see a drunk Callum stumbling. Acknowledging our presence he smiles widely and points to me.

"I think you're really dope, freckles girl" he confesses and I chuckle quietly.

"So are you, Scotty" I let myself give him a nickname of my own.

"Is Stone giving you a hard time? He can be a pain in the ass sometimes, that grumpy motherfucker" he slurs and my amusement increases by the second.

I glance momentarily towards Stone who's got his blank expression back and seems unaffected by his friend's comment.

"Nothing I can't handle" I shrug and Callum's grins even more.

Interlocking our arms i guide him back inside the house and he takes me over to the bar. Convincing me to try a few weird drinks they have with him, I dive into another hour of complete fun.

Callum's my favourite of my brother's friends for now. He's definitely the light of the party and funny even when he doesn't try to. Nonetheless, he also seems very sweet and gives off extreme golden retriever vibes.

I've never been one to get close to my brother's companies but maybe they're not that bad. Tyler and Zeke seemed pretty nice as well. Besides they can be both my brother's friends and mine.

I'm sure Lizzie is going to love that. Some hockey friends, who are undeniable good looking and crazy. Yup, she will be thrilled.

There's just one problem.

They're popular jocks. That screams drama, which is all I was trying to avoid. Guess you really can't runaway from things, they will end up catching up.

Every single time.


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