[34] - making it a bigger deal than it has to be

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"You're freezing, Kiki" Quells points out as we step back into the house.

"And in need of a hot shower" I finish, feeling my whole body tremble.

"Let's wrap it for tonight then, big day tomorrow" Callum suggests, tangling my hair with his hand. I shoot him a glare which only causes him to laugh at my scowl.

Liz walks over to my side and joins me as we make our way towards my room. Santi shouts something from behind both we both ignore him.

She tells me what they were doing in the fourteen minutes me and Damien were alone. Then, Liz finally gets out with what she's been wanting to tell me in the first place.

"You sure this is all okay with you?" this girl is seriously not questioning me again.

"Yes, Lizzie, I'm certain. I love both of you. I couldn't be more happier for my favourite people to find happiness in each other" I assure her for the millionth time.

"I couldn't have a better best friend" she pulls me into a hug. This time I don't tense or stand there awkwardly and actually let her enjoy this moment.

Finally, I shoved her out of my room so I can shower and not hear about my brother anymore. I pick the clothes I will change to before opening the bathroom's door.

Clicking play on my 'shower karaoke' playlist to set the mood, I have a little concert moment in the mirror. You can't tell me you've never done it. Finally, I undress myself.

Just as I'm about to step into the shower, someone knocks on the door. I groan, cursing them for their awful timing, and wrap myself around a towel.

Opening the door, "Stone?"

"Couldn't sleep" he shrugs, i frown.

"So your solution was to come to my room?" colicky a brow at the guy, he takes the chance to walk inside and close the door.

"You're the only person who can actually stay awake until late" not bad for an excuse, but I don't buy it.

I cross my arms, "Doesn't mean I will just because you're too stubborn to get some sleep"

"As if you're not the same" touché, can't say I've had a proper night of sleep in a few weeks.

I shake my head at this. I mean, weeks ago we wouldn't even be able to be in the same space for longer than five minutes. Not without going at each other throats.

Not sure if now we can, but the chances are definitely higher than before. It's not just that thought, for once I don't mind Stone company that much. Better with Satan than alone.

"I still have to shower so don't touch any of my things" I point a finger in his direction as a warning.

He lifts an amused brow, "Can I join?"

I don't answer him other than flashing him my raised brows. Turning back to the bathroom, I let the towel drop onto the floor just before I close the door.

The heated water touches my skin like fire hugs my body on the winter. My bones relax at the contact as I move my head around and my hair gets wetter.

Using the bodywash all over my body, I clean the sweat and exhaustion off my body. Malibu's heat is something I was not ready for.

I let the water run down my skin, for a double wash. In the same moment I hear the crack of the door open as Stone's comes into view.

"I didn't say you could" he rolls his eyes as he takes off his clothes and steps inside the shower as well.

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