[22] - the embarassment i felt

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Kissing the guy you've hated all your life is not a great idea. Getting on a train to my old town and appearing unannounced at mother's door, is a even less good idea.

But it's Christmas holiday and sooner or later I'd have to come. Want it or not, there's no other choice. Not when I'm trying to runaway from a six feet tall dipshit who I can't face right now.

Not I know he probably laughed his ass off after I fucking kissed him out of the blue and stormed off. He probably told my brother thus why he's been calling me non stop. Spoiler alert, I didn't answer any of the calls.

What's the point? Being humiliated by my twin and he's best friend? No thank you. Not after what happened. Which I'm still trying to understand why I did it myself.

Around 99% of the times I look at that face I want to punch, kick and throw it into a wall. Somehow yesterday I must have been possessed because what the fuck went through my head?

Maybe our fate has finally come and aliens are taking over the world. Entering our minds and making us questionable things. Yup, that must be it. It's the only reasonable answer.

"Eat something, you're as pale as a snowman" my dear loving mother decides to speak.

You were better quiet, woman. "Not hungry"

"Shocking" she scoffs with a shake of her head.

It's called having a eating disorder, bitch. I'd tell her to search about it but she'd have to care. Yeah, that ain't happening anytime soon. Not now and definitely not when Santi arrives.

"I'm surprised you didn't insist to invite Elizabeth this time" here she goes again with comments no one asked for.

"Last year her parents were away for work, I was being a nice friend" i deadpan like it's obvious- I did tell her fifteen times- "You invited Susan too"

"That's different, she's practically family"

"So is Lizzie"

She sighs, sharing my tired feeling of this back and forth conversations between us. It's better to just stay in silent at this point.

In perfect timing, we hear a knock on the door. With a quick nod from the woman I slide off the chair and walk towards the door.

With my gaze fixed on my face as I open it, I only look up when I hear a familiar grunt. My brother's eyes burn on mine. Oh, shit.

"Santi-" i'm cut off.

"Why the fuck did you not answer my calls?" his voice is loud enough for the neighbours to hear.

I sigh. "Look bro, you have to understand-" he interrupts me again.

"Oh have I now? Please enlighten me of my reasons to understand the fact that you just left without saying a word- to no one." okay, so he's clearly pissed.

Glancing backwards, afraid our mother will join in anytime soon, i pull him back outside. Now, with more privacy, kinda, I cross my arms.

"Can you stop pretending like Stone didn't tell you?" he frowns which also makes me frown.

"What are you talking about, Kiki?"

I take a moment to study him. He's really lost. Does that mean Stone didn't say a word? Relief drops over me.

"Nothing, forget it" but he doesn't and now I'm stuck.

"First, you leave the restaurant like you had just seen a ghost. Then you go plane mode for a day, not answering any of our calls. And now you're telling me to let it go?" he crosses his arms over his chest, not pleased.

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