[42] - if the whole world was watching

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"This is Damien, Kiara's boyfriend" her mother introduces me to Uncle Joe, Aunt Ester and a woman called Felicia.

"This was quite a surprise, you treating my niece good?" Joe questions with the overprotective facade I've gotten used to from Santi.

"Uncle" Rivera shakes her head and I squeeze her waist as to say 'it's fine', still she ignores "Stop interrogating him"

"I'm just trying to get to know the guy" her uncle raises his arms in defeat.

"Ignore her, she's just not used to have to share me with so many people" my joke makes everyone around us laugh except for Rivera.

"Don't lie to them" she crosses her arms and points to me, saying "He's the jealous one"

"You love it, princess" I send her a wink, kissing the top of her head while our hands remain locked behind her back.

"Aren't you two just the cutest?!" the Felicia woman squeals at the of us.

The conversation goes on for another four minutes before they leave us alone. She releases a sigh in relief as I squeeze her hand softly.

If there's something I know about this girl is her lack of social battery. Being one of the main topics today can't be helping that much.

Just in time, the dj switches the music's genre, calling everyone for a go. Couples gather around the dance floor, from all ages to show off their moves.

As I watch Santi take Lizzie, Rivera's grandma catches my eye and signals for me to do it. Can't believe this lady is a better wingman than my own best friend.

"Will you give me the honor of this dance, princess?" I pull out my hand.

She glances between my hand and my gaze and finally she takes it. "Impress me, Stone" challenge accepted, Rivera.

Dragging her to the center, noticing how a few eyes land on us but blurring them out. If they want a show we will give them one, but my attention will be fully on my girl.

I pull her into a spin that ends with her body pressed against mine. Placing the hand that was on my chest on my shoulder, I lower mine to just above her waist.

Swaying us both around the floor, I make it a mission to get Kiara to loosen up. Forget there's other people here. It's just us.

The song intensifies and so do our moves. I'd like to say that allows me to forget about how close her body is to mine but it's practically impossible.

Just feeling her fingers digging into my skin has my mind exploding. Every touch from Rivera, doesn't how matter how delicate it is, I feel it hard.

"Damien, you're making me dizzy!" she complains yet she's smiling widely, which is rare, and that makes me keep going.

"Good, now you know how I feel everytime I see you" I whisper against her ear while she has her back against my chest.

The soft and quick shiver that shudders through her body is exactly the reaction I was waiting for. A proud grandma cheers from a distance and I send her a wink.

With our arms crossed in each other, Rivera swings her hips with mine finally letting herself have some fun. She turns around, double twirling in my hand as I let her have control now.

Her arm lungs itself around my neck while the other presses against my chest. Our heads meet each other as my arm wraps her body in my embrace.

She pulls my hair slightly as we lock gazes. Our faces are inches away from each other and I couldn't resist on staring between her eyes and her lips, even if I tried.

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