[18] - young love

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Soon after we finish our orders, we are sitting by the table at the corner eating and chatting. My stomach hums in satisfaction of finale being fed.

"I could never eat one of those, don't you gain so much weight after it?" Mackenzie's words hit me like a truck.

Nothing about my smile feels real. "I never cared to check" I shrug, forcing myself to repeat in my head that it doesn't matter.

"Yeah, I guess it does make sense" she did not say that. Cool down, Kiara. She's not worthy.

"Kenz" Stone shoots her a look that makes her go quiet. There's no hint of regret in those eyes, but she doesn't dare to go against his warning.

Its worthless though. Every ounce of energy I had to stay here any longer is gone. Vanished. From watching Stone and the Barbie disgusting flirt all night to her comments just now. I feel exhausted.

"Mind if we call it a night?" I flash Landon an apologetic smile.

"As long as you promise me another date-" the corner of his lips tug up, before adding "-just the two of us"

A small chuckle escapes my mouth. "I would love that" I say honestly as his face lifts up.

The sound of the devil next to me clearing his throat breaks the small transe we were in and I sigh. At this point I'm starting to believe Stone is on a mission to ruin any moment between me and Landon.

"Look at you two lovebirds" Mackenzie squeals "We had that phase too, but Damien doesn't like romantic gestures"

My eyes immediately shift to Stone's. His whole body stiffens and I notice the jaw clench. "I've told you not to call me that" his voice is calm- too calm for his obvious discomfort- but the redhead just smiles at it.

"Sorry babe, I forgot you are a little sensitive when it comes to that" she giggles- making me want to gag- and kisses his cheek.

Damien Stone is known for a lot of things. One of them being his most important rule of no one using his first name to his face. On his back? Sure. But when acknowledging him? Don't even dare.

Therefore, it's clear as the day how the muscles of his face and body thicken at the incident. His teeth grit together so hard, they almost break.

"Stone, remember that favour you owe me? I'm feeling eager to try that car of yours" his eyes shift to mine and there's no need of more words for him to understand what I'm doing.

"So you can throw me off the car in the middle of the road?" there's almost a challenging tone in his voice and that has the tension to sway away.

"Depends on how much you annoy me" I shrug.

"I'd be careful, man" my date chuckles beside me, knowing there's a slight temptation to do it.

Yet Mackenzie pouts. "I thought you'd want to go back to my place...or yours"

Stone glances between me and the redhead with a set jaw. For a moment, disbelief crawls over me as I think he actually deliberates. Only for that idea to be proven wrong when he dodges her touch.

"Not tonight" when the words come out of his mouth, he is already standing and ready to take off.

We all make our way back to the cars, the moon shining bright as we become of aware of the time. Shocked is not enough to describe what goes over me when I realise how much time we've been here.

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