[29] - you've gotta be kidding me

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The rest of the week goes by in a blur. We show Rika around, enjoying the time left we have with her. Soon she will have to go back and we will miss her again.

"I've wanting to ask, how are you the whole Ezra thing? We never really talked about it" she nudges my arm, carefully watching my reaction.

"Honestly, I just want to leave it in the past. He's not worth wasting my time wondering why he did what he did" i say truthfully.

"He's a jerk that's why" she interlocks her arm in mine "You know what would do you some good? A one week vacation in Malibu!"

I stare at her in perplexed. "You're crazy"

"Cmon, you still have a few weeks left and you guys can stay at my family's house there. Spend all day at the beach, watch the sunset, dance all night at the local gatherings!" she rests her head in my shoulder doing a good job at convincing me.

I can't even remember the last time i saw the ocean. Okay, that's exaggerating, it as last summer. But it still feels so far away and it's not like we have any plans here.

"You sure your parents won't mind us taking over your house? I'm not sure I trust those animals not to break anything" she laughs at my last words.

"They barely go there anyway, Kiki. You know I won't stop until you just say yes" she gives me puppy eyes.

Rolling my eyes playfully I say, "Fine, I will talk with them about it. Thank you, Rika, you're the best"

"I know" winking she adds "And I better hear about you finding some hottie and having fun. Enjoy your single life, get out of your comfort zone. At least just for this week"

"Well, I was thinking making it a lifelong thing but if you insist" I receive a bump on my shoulder in response for my sarcasm.

To me it's essencial I feel comfortable, that's why i run away from anything that becomes way too complicated or puts me in situations I can't control. Not the best mindset, but I've done just fine until now.

We return to the house, where we find everyone in the living room. Quells was kind enough to organise a games night as a goodbye to Rika. Little does she know a war is bound to happen with the amount of competitive people here.

"Lets play Cards Against Humanity, babyy" Collins announces while bringing the black box to the middle of the circle we've created.

"Santi look, it's your favourite" I grin mischievously.

His stare zeros on me, clearly annoyed with my reminder. This game does not like to be on his side and I have too many memories of him losing. It's funny how much he hates it.

"Just because of that, I will start" taking the first card he reads it "Coming to Broadway this season, ________ The Musical"

I look at my own cards, deciding which one will go better for this one. Once we have all chosen Zeke begins saying his option, then Quells, Rika, Collins until it finally comes my turn.

Showing my 'Dead parents.' card we all mutually agree mine's the best. Or perhaps the worst. However you see it.

"Next is, 'The class field trip was ruined by...'?" I read, pressing my lips together as none of my options fit well.

"Sexual Tension, give it to me no way y'all cards are better" Callum lifts his card, confidently knowing this round is his. Somehow no one is able to come up with a better one.

"What are my parents hiding from me?" Rika grins "I have the perfect one for this"

She pulls out a 'Harry Potter erotica' causing us all to burst out laughing. I did not expet that one at all. Little did I know Stone was about to come up with one just as good.

"A defective condom" he reads out loud only aggravating both mine and Lizzie's stomach ache from laughing so hard.

"Dude, not kidding, my best response that is 'A rotten banana'" Santi complains "I hate this shit"

"Maybe Stone's faulty condom was for your banana" Callum winks, eyes slicing to my brother's junk.

"I c-can't breathe" Liz wheezes beside me, while hitting my arm.

"That one was wild, dude" Zeke shakes his head.

"That's it we're changing games" Santi rushes to get the next item on the list.

It turns out to be Just One. For that we need to make teams and because of so I turn to Liz. However Collins steps in and suggests we add a little fun to it and randomly pick our partners.

As we all agree, Zeke writes our names in small papers before putting them in a hat. Picking up one from the hat, i open ot and read. You've gotta be kidding me. As if the universe is trying to torture me i show them the piece of paper.

"Stone" I reveal the name, locking gazes with Satan.

Rika and Quells bite back a laugh. "We got each other"

"Zeke, my man" Santi pats his back.

"Liz, you're with us then. Let's destroy them" Collins wraps an arm around her, dragging my friend closer to him and Callum.

Stone also joins me, showing up at my side. Sparing a glance at him we silently agree to beat this shitheads asses. We might be a little chaotic but we both are the bests at winning.

"You better not have one of your blackouts" he points a finger at me.

My jaw drops, "Please, if we lose it'll be your fault for sure"

"Don't fucking jinx it, dingleberry" he frowns like if i had grew stupid out of nowhere.

"Who uses that word?!" I shake my head, not believing this idiot's ability to come up with the biggests nonenses.

Rika whistles to catch our attention "Romeos, chill out we haven't even began"

My glare shifts to her nickname of choice but she simply ignores me. We finally let the game take initiation, Quells and her going first.

We watch as Rika does her impression- the worse may i add- of the tv show Shameless. She decides to go with Ian and Mickey, the best characters to be honest, re-acting some of his best scenes.

Her impersonation, to put it in the best words, is like watching a mute black and white movie. You nod and pretend you understand whatever the hell is happening. Still somehow Quells gets it right and the trio goes next.

"A pornstars!" Callum shouts but Collins shakes his head "Oh, Frankenstein!"

Lizzie hand slaps her face "You're awful. It's a pirate"

"Thank you!" Collins exasperates, shaking his head at Scotty.

Finally being our turn, I read what I have to mimic. You've gotta be kidding me. Swallowing, my eyes find Stone's and I gesture with two of my fingers for him to focus on me.

"Five. Zero. Fifty." I nod in answer at his guesses.

Looking around I think what i can do next. Okay. I point to him, then me. He frowns but i tell him to wait. Doing a few more gestures he watches carefully.

"Celebrating. Party." I motion with my arms for him to keep going "New- oh. Fifty Shades of Grey"

"Yes, that brain worked once in your life!" I don't resist on the comment.

He rolls his eyes. "Nice one"

"What just happened?" Zeke asks confused.

"I have no idea" Lizzie's brows widen, also befuddled.

We shrug unflattered but I don't miss Callum's knowing smile. Mouthing 'fuck off' to him and that stupid expression, we move on onto the next round with Winston and my brother.

In the end, as predictable, me and Satan end up winning with the best timings in all rounds.

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