[25] - new year's eve

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Stepping out of the train, I'm finally able to breathe fresh air. At some point in this travel, i could swear death was to come.

Note to self to not get in another ferry transport any time soon. Not only I get an awful dizziness, but there's always prying eyes from old men.

"Look, they're over there" my brother softly brushed his hand on my arm, bringing my attention to the three familiar faces.

"Freckles!" Callum swoops me into a tight hug, leaving me breathless.

"You're suffocating me" I say between sloppy laughs.

"I'm watching those hands, Scott" my brother warns, as his finger points to the hand on my waist.

I roll my eyes. "Grow up, Santi"

Collins pats him in the back while he shoots me an amused grin. Zeke shakes his head but gives in to the hug I pull him to. I've missed this shitheads, they've grown on me.

"Who's ready for the party, babyyy" Tyler expresses excitedly matching the enthusiasm he's been showing all week.

With no exaggeration, every morning of the last few days I'd wake up with a message of him announcing how many days left until New Year's Eve. I could swear he put more effort into that than any homework he's ever had.

"Got your midnight kiss chosen already, Santi?" Zeke questions with a knowing look, to which the other boys laugh at. Yeah, it's that obvious.

Blurring their noises, my mind drifts somewhere else. The silent question pondering in my head. I hesitate, telling myself I should let it go. This isn't me.

Still, my eyes shift from one side of the station to the other. Than to the covered building, the restaurants area, even the restrooms.

"He's not here" the words crush me like a rough storm in a quiet night.

"Oh" it's all that comes out my lips. Callum shifts next to me, slowing both our paces so we get some privacy from the others, before I say "Good. At least we prevent a fight, huh"

Using the good old sarcasm as a defense mechanism, I try to hide how it hurts much more than it should. Fuck, get over yourself Kiki. You're not like this.

"Or a possible tongues match" he shrugs. The whole sentence is so casual-like that I have to mentally repeat it again before freezing in place.

"What do you mean by that?" swallowing hard, I try my best not to freak out. He can't know, can he? Did Stone tell him? They're close, it's possible. Shit.

Callum rubs the back of his head, looking almost hesitant. "That night, you were so alarmed you didn't notice passing by me before stepping inside the restaurant" he reveals, the silence so loud you could drop a pin and it'd be like a thunder.

My mouth goes dry. "How much did you see?"

"Only the, um, kiss. I promise" he doesn't have to, I fully believe him. That's the other thing, Callum knowing doesn't bother me.

It's the fact that could have been anyone else. My brother even. All proving the amount of stupidity possessing over me in that moment.

With a quick glance at him, he assures me he won't tell a soul. Both relief and gratefulness washes over me. The last thing I need is to such a unimportant mistake to drop like a bomb tonight.

Zeke must notice we stopped following them a while ago when he calls after us. We get back in pace, side by side, with a silent mutual agreement. We return to them and pretend like nothing happened.

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