[27] - one time thing

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a/n: this chapter contains explicit sexual content, if you don't want to read it scroll down to where it says finished.


The loud 'happy new year' chants blur into almost silent background noise. Stone's strong arms lift me up, as I wrap my legs around his large torso.

My back hits the nearest wall as his mouth slams in mine, once more. The buzz in my lips spreads across my whole body like a bonfire.

"This changes nothing between us" I pull away, momentarily, to warn him.

He chuckles huskily. "I know"

"I still hate you" a part of me has the urge to make it clear once again. This is all just the hormones acting.

"Want me to fuck you or not, Rivera?" he asks impatiently.

I grind my lower parts against him as an answer. He groans at the contact before meeting my eyes with a dark gaze full of hunger.

Allowing him the access, his mouth takes over the crook of my neck. Starting at the bare skin under my ear, he leaves a trace of wet kisses all the way down as I pant heavily.

The need for his lips in mine wins, causing me to pull his head back and claiming his mouth. He returns the kiss almost immediately.

I bite his bottom lip, pulling it slightly, as my gaze meets his through my lashes. That has him growling in pleasure, which only makes me even more satisfied with myself.

"I need to see you, princess" he whispers against my mouth, eyes sparkling with need.

With a quick motion of his hand on my back, the silver top falls to my lap exposing my hardened nipples. He eyes them hungrily before meeting my stare once more.

"Like what you see, Stone?" I tease.

"Fuck yes" he smirks before adding "Will like it even more once they're in my mouth"

Following through his words, I arch my back when his lips find one of my nips. The other, aching for the same attention, is welcomed by his free- very experienced- hand.

I moan against his ear, hating how good he is at this. A part of me could swear I could come just from him playing with my tits.

"Shit, Stone" the pleasured sound leaves my mouth before I'm able to hold it back.

"Yeah that's right, I'm the one who's going to make you come so hard you won't feel your legs tomorrow" he kisses my lips again.

Then, I feel his hand slowly sooth my thigh under my black skirt. The contact only increasing the warmth in my lowers parts, that ache for his touch. For him.

Soon enough, he's fingers find my underwear. Satisfied with the sounds he's getting out of me, he teases my entrance through the soft material watching as my mouth parts. Finally, he tosses my panties aside.

"So fucking wet for me, baby" it's almost embarrassing how soaked I am.

"Stone" the plea for his fingers inside me comes out breathlessly, matching the mess I am at the moment.

This time, he doesn't stop to tease me and thank to heavens answers to my requests. Although he doesn't begin with only one finger, instead thrusting two inside me, the pleasure overcomes the slight hurt.

"Fuck, you're tight" for god knows what reason, that only makes him even more content.

I don't answer, lost for words at his well done job. Can't even imagine the last someone fingering me felt this goddamn good.

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