[35] - bad idea right?

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Looking through Rika's to do list, the group decides today is the day we're going to put on our hot ass outfits and go out.

The last few days we've chilled, stayed at home, playing games, being at the beach, laying all day. Not today.

After a big brunch at the cutest restaurant downtown, we took a walk through the stores and bought some new clothes. And food, lots of it.

The party we're going to, has its own theme. It's the white night. Everyone, with no exception, has to wear white. Now, no one promises you that at the end of night your clothes will still be the same colour.

Therefore, my outfit of choice is a white mini skirt of a soft material. Then, to match, a long sleeves one button top. In order to add a bit more life to it, I accessorize with my favourite gold jewelry. From rings, to bracelet, necklaces and earrings.

Quells opted for a white dress with a open back, while Lizzie chose a long skirt with a mini top. I can say we all slayed on our outfits.

We take a few pictures to post on our instagram stories before grabbing our purses and meeting the boys downstairs.

"Someone get my inhaler, I just lost all the air inside me" Callum whistles as he sees us.

"Right back at ya, go off Callum" Lizzie's jaw drops as she eyes him up and down.

There's no doubt that of all the boys Callum is the pro at dressing up. Low rise loose white pants to match his off the charts lacy long sleeves top. His hair is styled in a messy way to add the beach vibes too.

My brother and Zeke went for a short sleeves shirt and matching shorts combo. Comfortable, practical, cute. Very much their style. Tyler with a similar outfit but instead of the short sleeves, his were long and flare at the ends.

Lastly, my eyes find Stone. Linen large white pants, laying low at his air forces, with a at least one size up shirt unbuttoned at the top so it shows off his silver chain that matches his rings. Hair wet and a few falling strands slightly covering his eyes.

My breath hitches. This man has no right looking that fucking good. He's barely even trying yet looks hot as fuck. Worst part? He knows it damn well.

"I might have forgotten to tell you this, but we had to book a car because they don't accept ones as big as ours. Which means, someone won't have a seat" Zeke informs, his face guilty of only telling us about it now.

"I'm driving" Collins raises his arms as to say it won't be him.

"Can't either, I'm got the GPS" Quells points at the maps app on her phone.

Callum's grin has me raising a brow, "I heard our friends Stone and Kiki are making a truce, we should let them show us how well they're doing at it"

My eyes burn with daggers in his direction. Scotty did not just do that. Fucker is even enjoying it.

"I don't think we shou-" Lizzie doesn't let me finish.

She gasps in excitement, "Nuh-uh Kiki, Callum's right. You guys need to see you can be around each other and not hate it!"

Taking a deep breath, I put on my best (fake) smile and just nod. It's just a car trip right? Not even Satan can make it that bad.

Wrong. Very fucking wrong. This dipshit can make anything that insufferable. Because it wasn't bad enough already that I had to sit on him. No, he's stupid worked out huge body at to take my mind to places it shouldn't right now.

When I agreed to do this thing with Stone, I was going through a moment of insanity and clearly oblivious to the consequences.

One, two times? That's okay, no one has to know- apart from Callum but we ignore that part- we can keep it a secret. Move on with our lives like it never happened.

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