[16] - say you want me to leave

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Somehow the double date became this huge thing. The girls rushed to the house to help with the outfit and the boys can't stop teasing me about it.

My brother, on the other hand, isn't happy at all. One, because I 'forgot' to tell him about my hookup with blondie. Second, because i'm going on another date with him.

Ironically, Stone coming too is his relief. He insists that, with Damien there, I will have someone to look out for me. As if I need it, I huff mentally.

For someone who worries so much about his friends hitting on me, he sure as well seems to want Stone closer to me.

"No but seriously, if you see the date going somewhere else-" Collins winks suggestively "-text me and I will get Stone's ass out of there"

"My brother would kill you" I remind both him and myself.

"Santi's a baby, we can handle him" Callum flexes his muscle to prove his point.

I sigh. "Well, I appreciate it boys. But I don't even do kissing on the first date, much less anything else"

That's the truth. If you can't handle one night with no intimacy, just two people having a good time than what's the point? First dates are decisive, not just an excuse to fuck someone.

As the boys seem to process my words, I catch Stone walking into the backyard from the corner of my eye. He's wearing black sweatpants, laying dangerously low, and a white shirt. Now almost transparent because of the sweat.

If I let myself take a nicer look I could even see his muscles- his annoyingly perfectly defined six pack. Except I don't, because his face is there to remind me how much I hate him.

"I'm confused, didn't you two hook up already?" Collins questions, frowning.

"That doesn't mean she should jump to his bones, again, this fast" Zeke shakes his head and i thank to heavens one of them still has a working brain.

"Exactly" I nod at him "Then it was a meaningless hookup, now it's an actual date"

A thousand questions later we finish our conversation about Landon and the date. Tyler takes the chance to make a quiz about dating in general as well.

"Collins, stop showering her with your stupidities and let her go get ready" Zeke smacks the back of his head and me and Scotty chuckle.

"He's right, I'm running late already" i check my watch.

Stone frowns. "It's two hours away"

"Perfection takes time, shithead" I flash him a fake smile "Besides I want Landon to know I see this as an actual date, your girlfriend would appreciate if you did the same"

"She's not my girlfriend" he corrects causing me to roll my eyes.

As much of a bitch Mackenzie can be, I almost feel sorry for downgrading herself this low. Stone doesn't seem the least interested in going out with her tonight.

I'm not happy either of us having to spend time with each other. Still he could hide his annoyance to make whatever she is to him happy.

I shouldn't be surprised though. Expecting Stone to care for someone else other than him- and maybe my brother- is pathetic.

"Um, Kiki?" I turn to Callum "Can I steal five minutes of your getting-ready time?"

"Sure, cmon" I tilt my room as I guide him to my room.

He looks almost scared to enter it, which makes me laugh, but I assure him it's fine. Luckily, I tied it up this morning so it's far from the mess of always. There's also none of my toys in sight so we're good.

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