[07] - it's not like i'm looking

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As usual I wake up around 6am for my morning running routine. As lazy as I can be most of the time, this is my way to keep the active life. 

I take the chance to greet a few of my new neighbours. They all seem like dog lovers, which I fully support. Sorry not sorry, but dogs are much better than cats.

Another thing I've also learned is that there's at least two pregnant ladies on the block and one family no one likes. Oh and last but not least, the lady that lives on the last house knows all the drama.

Entering back in the house I find Agnes- who I've find out to be the sweet lady that keeps the house so nice- cleaning the living room.

"Good morning, Agnes"

"Good morning, sweetie. Do you want me to prepare something for you to eat?" she kindly asks.

"I'm actually not hungry, but thank you so much. Do you need help with anything?" I return.

"I'm already finishing, somehow those young boys were able not to mess the house too much" she shoots me a knowing smile.

"You should make them do some of the work, it's time they start learning how to these type of things" I shake my head.

She laughs softly and I make my way back to my room. After choosing the outfit of the day I open the bathroom's door and click play on my playlist. I close the shower curtains and turn the water on.

I sing along the lyrics, having a whole karaoke session, while I apply the shampoo in my brown hair. The hot water clashes against the cold of my body as I close my eyes and relax my sore bones.

Only then, the sound of a door opening startles me and my eyes shot open, widening. It can't be- I peek my head and catch sight of Stone brushing his teeth, completely unaware.

I cover my naked body with the shower curtains and narrow my brows- not believing this shithead actually burst through the door while I'm showering.

"Stone!" he finally locks gazes with me, although his expression stays unbothered "Can't you see I'm fucking showering?"

"Relax princess, it's not like I'm looking" he shrugs and I'm pretty sure you could see the fuming of my ears "Besides, you were taking too long"

"Get the fuck out!"

He rolls his eyes and spits the left of toothpaste in his mouth. Making every single little movement last a lot longer just to spite me.

When he finally reaches the door he looks back at me, over his shoulder, and his pathetic smug takes over his lips.

"Call Me Maybe, really Rivera?" he mocks.

"Fuck off!" I shout as I throw one of the bottles of shower gel at him.

The music isn't that bad okay? It's a nostalgic banger. Besides my playlists are either that or depressing hits like Adele (my queen btw).

I finish the shower quickly and, once I step out, hook the towel around me. Turning towards Stone's room I open the door only not to find him there. I groan and make my way through the house, ignoring the confused look I receive from Winston.

Leaving a trace of water all over the floor- because of my wet hair- I finally find him in the living room. My brother and Callum stop in their tracks looking at me while satan himself rolls his eyes.

"You fucking asshole!" I poke a finger against his chest. Shit, is this man made of steel? I frown as I look down at my finger but quickly brush it off.

Glancing back at him i notice him staring. His jaw is clenched and he looks almost in pain, trying to hold his gaze on my eyes.

"You're dripping wet, princess" I can hear the amusement clicking on his tongue.

"So will you when I get my han-" I cut myself off, knowing he would take it the other way.

In fact, I know he did when I notice the glinting on his eyes. Suddenly the awareness of me being in only a towel hits me and I feel slightly uncomfortable.

"Just wait until I get back at you" I warn him.

"Can't wait" he winks with a cocky smug.

I flip him off as I storm off and slam the door of my room shut. The annoyance in my veins doesn't leave as I get dressed and leave the house as fast as I can.

The last thing I need right now is to even be in the same place as that shithead. Who does he think he is to just step into the bathroom when I'm literally showering.

I know he couldn't see anything, but it's not even about that. It's called respect. Which he's got none. Not even a tiny little bit.

"You look like you're about to kill someone" Quells approaches me with a raised brow.

"I am and his name is Satan Stone"

"Living with them is going well then" she comments sarcastically.

That's the worst part. The boys are in fact great. Funny, out going, sweet. They never make me uncomfortable, or make stupid comments. I sigh, trying to calm myself down.

"They're amazing, really. It's just- that shithead" I explain and she nods in understanding.

"Fortunately, economics is just what you need to let go of all that anger" she points out sarcastically and I groan.

I hate economics. I hate the professor. I hate my life. I hate Stone. I hate myself. I hate everything. That's the mood for today. Just- hate.

What I really need is to get laid. The perfect tension breaker. That and getting wasted, I guess the party on Monday wasn't enough. Luckily it's tradition to grab a drink after a game, so I just have to wait until tomorrow night.

"Can you believe while we're practically dying in here, Liz is having an hour art session with a dilf?!" Quells complains as she shows me the photo.

"The bitch" my jaw drops as I zoom in on the hottie "Why aren't any of our professors that good looking"

"I think they secretly made it a rule after last year's incident" she shrugs and i frown, confused.

"What incident?"

"You don't know?" her eyes widen as if she couldn't believe I was completely lost. I shake my head and she begins to search some username in her phone.

She tosses the phone into my hands and points to the strawberry red haired girl on the screen. I read her name- Mackenzie- and instantly grimace. That's a bitch name. Sorry to all the sweet Mackenzies out there.

"She's like the Queen B here. An insufferable brat... who your brother and Stone seem to be friends with" I barely catch the disappointment in her tone.

"Why doesn't that surprise me" I press my lips together.

"Anyway, last year she started an affair with teacher twenty years older than her. They were always exchanging glances in classes and once students even heard them fucking. It was a big thing when it got out" she reveals. Well something tells me she's get along with my ex.

"Wasn't she like eighteen then?" I ask, feeling my stomach drop.

"Yeah and he was almost forty. It's gross just to think about it" she presses her lips together.

As much as I hate bratty bimbos, I can't imagine the amount of manipulation he put her through. This exactly why I hate old creeps.

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