Part One: The News

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"Sergeant Breanna."

I hear my name being called from the distance as I walk down the hall of our military base. I turn in the direction of the voice calling my name. Lo and behold, it is my captain.

"Captain Winters," I respond, and give her a salute.

"Good morning, Sergeant. I have some exciting news for you," Winters says with a wide grin on her face.

Captain Winters's tone leads me to get intrigued. Exciting news, huh? How exciting can it really be?

"And the news is?" I wait in anticipation for her answer, my mind swirling with possibilities.

"I've received a call from Captain John Price of Task Force 141. Seems you're being recruited for a highly classified mission! Price asked for you specifically." As she says this, Winters playfully punches my arm to show how proud of me she is.

Captain Price asked for me specifically? But why? I can't help but feel some sense of skepticism. But this is supposed to be a good thing right?

"Highly classified mission, huh?" I raise my brows high. "Did the Captain say why he wanted me specifically?"

"He believes your skill set will make you a key player in the Task Force's upcoming mission. So don't disappoint." She winks.

Jeez, that's a lot of pressure.

"You leave tomorrow. No time to waste," Captain Winters says, and motions for me to get my bags packed.

"Yes, Captain."

I make my way through the barracks and begin packing my bags.

I've heard of 141, I mean, who hasn't? That Task Force has made quite a name for itself. Rumors of their brutality and dedication to the mission don't fall on deaf ears.

Ghost, a Lieutenant in 141, has been specifically notorious for cold-blooded kills. I've heard a lot about him: that he's rude, hard to get along with, and has quite the temper.

God, I'm not looking forward to dealing with someone as bitchy as I am. Lord, if you exist—which I'm sure you don't considering my life has been a total shit show and you've done nothing about it—let things go smoothly.

Because if they don't I might lose my shit.

I wonder if Ghost really is as terrifying as the legends make him out to be.

Guess I'll have to wait and see.


Finally finished packing all these damn bags!

I try to get to bed but my brain won't shut the fuck up. Am I really getting nervous about meeting new people right now? Who cares about that when I have an important job to do? Jesus, Breanna, just get some damn sleep.

Eventually, I doze off and await my journey to the Task Force base.

A Ghost Encounter: My Time with Simon "Ghost" RileyWhere stories live. Discover now