Part Twenty-Two: Can't Hold Back

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Ghost stands to open the door and it's fucking room service.

He makes them go away.

"Impeccable timing," he sighs loudly.

I chuckle softly.

Ghost heads to the kitchen area to get a glass of water.

"You said we have five days before we meet Hassan, right? What are we supposed to do in the meantime?"

Ghost looks over at me and takes a sip from his glass.

"Prepare for our meeting with Hassan, review the mission objectives..." Ghost pauses, remembering something. "Ahmad and Cyra have invited us for drinks on Friday."

Friday? That's in two days.

"Oh, are we going to go?"

"We are," he says hesitantly, hinting that he doesn't actually want to go but knows we need to.

I love drinks.

A thought pops into my mind.

"What do you think of Cyra? Did you know she would be involved in this?" I ask him.

"Somewhat. He mentioned a business partner that handled the details of his and Hassan's affairs. I'm going to assume that's Cyra."

Makes sense.

"So what do you think of her?"

"What do you mean?" He sketches a brow.

"I mean what do you think of her? Formulate any opinions?" I smirk awkwardly.

"I've not. That's not my objective right now," Ghost deadpans.

I roll my eyes.

"Have you formulated any opinions?" He asks me in return.

"She seems...interesting. I don't think she's someone who can be trusted," I tell him.

"Hmm." Ghost nods his head in agreement.

I look over at the clock: 8:05 PM.

We should probably get to bed...that's right, only one bed.

I get up, head to the bathroom, and get myself ready for bed. For pajamas, I'm wearing an oversized t-shirt and shorts that look more like underwear considering the length, or lack thereof.

I make my way over to the bed and notice Ghost is already changed into a black t-shirt and sweatpants.

Why is my heart racing?

"Did you want me to sleep on the floor?" I ask bashfully.

Ghost looks at me dumbfounded and my face turns red.

"I mean...because I don't want to make you uncomfortable." I twiddle my thumbs.

Ghost chuckles.

"It's not like we haven't shared a night in the same bed together, sweetheart," he grins cheekily.

Ugh, shut up...

If I could see my face right now I know I'd look flustered.

"R-Right," I chuckle nervously and get into the bed.

Ghost lies down next to me.

This feels a little...awkward.

We both sit up against the backboard in silence.

"Wanna hear a joke?" Really, Breanna? That's the best you got?

Ghost turns his head towards me. "Let's hear it."

This is an interesting turn of events...

"Okay, catch this. What do a woman and a bar have in common?"

Ghost ponders for a moment but then admits defeat. "What?"

"Liquor in the front, poker in the back," I snort.

Ghost starts laughing, genuinely laughing. He has a cute laugh.

"Stupid," he softly chuckles as he collects himself.

"That was a good one right?" I smile wide.

"It was." He looks me in the eyes again.

As I look back at him I can't help but think that I want to kiss him, although I shouldn't think like that. I feel like I'm getting sucked into his gaze.

"Breanna," he says my name breathlessly.

God, I love the way he says my name. Especially like that, like thinking about me steals the air from his lungs.

"Yes?" I look at him innocently.

Ghost pauses for a few moments.

"Is everything alright?" I ask, concerned by his silence.

Ghost takes a deep breath, then very slowly grips his mask. He begins lifting it just above his nose but then stops.

His chest is rising and falling quickly.

"You don't have to show me something you're not comfortable with," I tell him, hoping it will ease him. "Even with the mask on, I see you."

Ghost's body tenses and his breath hitches.

After a moment, he continues lifting his mask until it's completely off. Leaving him exposed and vulnerable.

He's beautiful: dirty blonde hair, dark eyes, rigid features, full lips.

I'm soaking him all in.

He stares at me warily, afraid of how I might respond.

"You're beautiful," I say breathlessly.

Shit, why did I say that? He's going to think I'm weird...

I see the worry disappear from his eyes as he leans in and kisses me.

Oh, no.

We shouldn't, but I want to, and we're going to.

A Ghost Encounter: My Time with Simon "Ghost" RileyWhere stories live. Discover now