Part Twenty-Three: Falling

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My heart starts racing as Ghost kisses me, my skin feeling too tight.

He places a hand on my cheek and gently strokes it as he's kissing me.

Ghost is a really good kisser too, he isn't rough with it, and he takes his time.

I'm feeling bold. I pull away for a moment, scoot in closer, and begin kissing his neck.

I hear soft moans coming from Ghost and he places his hand on my waist. This prompts me to place my hand on his thigh.

He twitches a little.

I'm feeling warm; and tingly.

Ghost grabs my waist with both hands now and places me on top of his lap. I'm straddling him now as he leans against the backboard.

I can feel myself growing aroused. He's aroused too. I can feel it.

As we make out I begin dry-humping him, rubbing up against his hard bulge, making us both moan.

Ghost decides to take the lead and leans forward, lays me down, and moves on top of me.

He pulls his shirt off exposing his beautiful body. It's like the gods carved him.

He has some scars. I wonder how he got them, and who gave them to him.

Ghost starts unbuckling his pants as I lay there looking up at him in awe.

I follow in his footsteps and remove my clothes.

I lay there naked. He hovers over me naked.

I'm feeling anxious. I haven't had sex in 5 years and Ghost is...huge.

It feels hard to breathe.

What if it doesn't fit? What if it hurts? What if I'm bad? What if he doesn't like it? What if I get triggered? What if-

I'm spacing out...

Ghost plants a kiss on my lips, bringing me back to the moment.

"How can I help?" He asks in a caring manner.

I blush.

"Help with what?" I feign ignorance, hoping to deflect.

Ghost starts combing his fingers through my hair.

"Every time we get intimate it's like your mind goes someplace else. I understand why. How can I help?" He says softly, almost...lovingly.

He's sweet, but I don't know if there's anything he can do to help with that.

"Talk to me. What's on your mind," he implores.

I take a deep breath.

"I'm sorry. I'm not trying to ruin this," I tell him, my guilt evident.

He smirks softly and shakes his head to tell me, Don't be sorry.

"I'm just nervous. Like what if I get a flashback or something? I don't want to scare you or hurt you."

Ghost looks at me with empathy, letting me continue speaking my thoughts.

"I mean it's been a while for me and I'm not sure if I'll be good, you know?"

He leans in and kisses me. "You'll be perfect."

Those three simple words were all it took to ease my mind.

Our kiss feels like a warm embrace.

Ghost moves his way over to my neck, kissing it, licking it.

My body is tingly. The sign of my arousal is the slickness between my thighs.

He then kisses my breasts for a while. Making sure to spend an equal amount of time and care on both.

Eventually, he makes his way down.

He lays a kiss on the outside of my pussy and then slowly wiggles his tongue between my folds.

His tongue is the best thing I've ever felt.

Just as I'm on the brink of climaxing he pulls away, bringing his body on top of me.

"Are you ready?"

I am. I nod my head rapidly causing him to smirk.

He places his tip right on my entrance, slowly inching it in.

It hurts, but that's okay.

As he continues to inch himself in I can't help but wince out in pain.

"You alright, love? I can stop," he assures me.

His words pang my heart. A man I had trusted had stolen a part of me, never respecting the word "no" and treating consent as if it were optional.

Ghost is making me feel safe, making me feel in control.

"Keep going." I lean up and kiss him.

He fully places himself inside me. He pauses for a moment to give me a minute to adjust.

I wrap my legs around his waist as he thrusts himself in and out of me slowly.

I can't believe this is happening. Ghost and I are having sex.

As I grip my nails into his back I moan out loudly.

Ghost grunts are turning me on more.

He starts picking up his pace.

Shit, the rapid thrusts kind of hurts. He notices this.

"It's alright, love. You can take it," he pants into my ear.

Another thing I appreciate about Ghost: he doesn't treat me like I'm so broken doll, like I'm fragile.

I melt from his words.

And take it I do.

My body is feeling overstimulated with pleasure.

Ghost has one hand on my waist and the other gently wrapped around my neck, constricting my breathing ever so slightly.

"Fuck Ghost-" My breath hitches.


"Huh?" I pant out.

"When we're here together, like this, call me Simon." His eyes darken with lust and territorial desire.

I nod my head softly.

We continue having passionate sex and I feel myself nearing the end.

"Ah- Simon-"

I can tell me moaning his name turns him on more.

He starts pumping deeper and deeper allowing his dick to hit my G-spot.

My toes are curling, my eyes rolling back, and my body convulsing.

I come and Simon does too shortly after, pulling himself out, and cumming on top of my pussy.

He grabs a tissue from the nightstand to clean me up.

He lays on top of me while laying his head on my chest.

We're both panting, trying to catch our breath.

"Was I okay?" I brush my fingers through his hair.

"You were everything you needed to be, sweetheart."

I plant a kiss on top of his head.

A feeling I've never felt before enters my heart and I'm afraid to admit what it is.

For now, I'll just enjoy this moment.

A Ghost Encounter: My Time with Simon "Ghost" RileyWhere stories live. Discover now