Part Thirty-Six: Let's Begin

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5:45 AM

Damn. It's already time to get up.

I look to the side and notice Ghost isn't there, so I hop out of bed wearing nothing but one of his t-shirts and go look for him.

He's sitting out on the hotel room's balcony and taking a drag.

"Fresh air?" I yawn, walking up behind him.

"Fresh air," he says tensely, looking out at the streets of Iran.

"You doing okay?" I ask cautiously, concerned by his demeanor.

He seems off...

"I'm fine," Ghost deadpans.

Shitty liar.

"Talk to me," I insist.

"I said I'm fine." This time his tone is somewhat cold and distant, so I walk over to where I can stand directly in front of him.

I place my hands on my hips.

"You always make me speak. So speak," I demand, holding firm.

He looks up at me through his brows, the frown on his face is apparent.

"Don't make me repeat myself," he growls.

Is he being fucking serious?

"I'm sorry?" I scoff. "Did I do something to upset you?"

He sits there silently.


"Silent treatment, huh? How mature." I say sarcastically and storm back into the room.

He remains seated, frozen in place.

What the hell is his problem?

I start getting ready for today, the BIG day.

Hassan sent over an outfit for me to wear: an elegant dark purple dress.

Huh? Let's just say I was not expecting this but am pleasantly surprised.

This outfit is much better compared to the scraps of clothes I've been donning as of late.

I finish getting dressed and I can't help but admire how good I look. For once during this trip I actually look pretty, not just like an object for men to fawn over.

I hear footsteps approach behind me so I turn around.

"Well?" I shrug my shoulders.

"It looks fine," Ghost huffs, his mind clearly preoccupied.

"Simon Riley," I say sternly.

Ghost freezes, looking at me with irritation and a how dare you look written all over his face.

"What is your fucki-"

Before I can finish I'm cut off by his loud, angry voice.


I just stand there utterly confused and dumbfounded.

"Hassan's guards come for us in an hour. Enough," he says sternly, grabbing his mask and putting it on.

Why is he hiding from me?

"I-I don't understand. What does that have to do with your attitude right now?" Now I'm getting pissed off.

"We can't play house forever. Grow up," he insults.

I feel a pang in my chest.


A Ghost Encounter: My Time with Simon "Ghost" RileyWhere stories live. Discover now