Part Sixty-Four: Breanna Roberts

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(This photo was AI-generated in NightCafe. This is what I picture Breanna Roberts looks like.)


"Come in," Ghost instructs from behind his office door.

Slowly, I turn the door nob and enter his office.

You should see my view: Ghost leaned back in his desk chair, his arms crossed, and his legs up and crossed atop his desk.

His mask is off.

Did I forget to mention he's mad dogging me?

"You requested my presence, Lieutenant?" I arch a brow, scoffing.

His eyebrow twitches.

"We're going by formalities now, Sergeant?" he huffs.

God, he can be so damn uptight.

"What is it that you want, Simon?" I sigh. "I was supposed to do shooting drills with König."

"Having fun are you?" Simon scoffs, his jealousy palpable.

"It's my job." I remind him because he seemingly always finds a way to forget.

"What are your impressions of him?" he asks me.

"He's quiet but surprisingly confident with his skills," I inform.

"Hmmm." Simon just continues to stare at me.

What is this shit?

"Are we done now? Please don't tell me you wasted my time for one of your jealous fits." I roll my eyes.

Simon chuckles.

Smug jerk...

After a moment he pulls a gift bag from under his desk and puts it down gently on top of it. The bag is purple with white gift paper.

He got me a gift?

"What is it?" I look at him puzzled.

"It's for you." Simon pushes the bag to the edge of the desk, insinuating that I come and grab it.

What could it be?

I slowly approach the edge of his desk and reach for the gift bag. Before I open it I look at Simon and raise my brows skeptically.

"It won't bite you," Simon chuckles.

I reach into the gift bag while simultaneously
saying, "If you say s-"

When I lift the gift out of the bag it makes me freeze.

After finally managing to peel my eyes away from the gift I look directly at Simon with my mouth slightly gapped in awe.

Simon has a big smugly satisfied smile on his face.

He got this for me?

"Simon..." I whisper.

"Do you like it?" He sounds a little nervous now, probably because of my shocked reaction. "If you don't want it-"

I run around the desk and jump into his lap, squeezing him tightly in an embrace.

"I did good, then?" he chuckles and pats the back of my head.

It's not only that he bought me something I've been dying for—a Kindle so I can read all my books on the go, even when we have downtime on missions—but it's the fact that he got me anything at all.

After my dad died we never celebrated a single birthday or holiday.

I can't remember the last time someone got me a gift of any kind.

A Ghost Encounter: My Time with Simon "Ghost" RileyWhere stories live. Discover now