Part Sixty-Two: Brothers in Arms

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I'm sitting on my bed trying to process what just happened. Soap says we can move past this but I genuinely don't think we can until he and Ghost talk.

12:59 AM

Shit, it's getting late. I should get some sleep.

But right as I'm about to turn over for the night there's a knock on my door.

It's most likely Simon considering I said I'd be back but never returned.

I opened my door and just as I suspected, it's Ghost.

"How'd it go?" he asks with anticipation that he's trying his best to conceal.


Fine? I'm such an idiot.

"Fine?" Ghost asks incredulously, pushing past me and entering my quarters. "Tell me."


"Soap told me how he truly felt about me," I reveal hesitantly.

Simon has his mask off so the look on his face shows he's annoyed by my vagueness.

I roll my eyes. "He told me he loves me and about the conversation he had with you before you came to get me at the airport."

Ghost visibly and audibly gulps.

Does he think I'm upset? Because I'm not.

"And what did you say?" He crosses his arms and arches a brow.

"Does that matter?" I huff, only because I don't want to tell him about, you know, the kiss.

"Don't play coy, sweetheart." Simon steps closer to me. "Tell me what you said..." he demands but then realizes his aggression and tries to take a softer approach. "Please." He gently grabs my hand.

I can't help but grin at his subtle attempts to be better for the sake of our relationship.

So fine. I'll gift him with honesty.

"I told him how I felt about him: that he's a great friend and comrade. I told him that I love him as a person. I told him all the ways he's great..."

Ghost doesn't like that. A frown is tugging at his lips.

"All that to say, I made it clear that I'm in love with you and he understood that," I insist.

Ghost nods, his mood less tense now.

"And I told him the same thing I told you: that you two need to talk."

Simon scoffs and shakes his head.

"Did anything else happen?" he asks.

Nice deflection, jerk.

But I tell him? I should. If we're official now then I should—

Wait. I don't have a clear answer to that.

"What are we?"

A Ghost Encounter: My Time with Simon "Ghost" RileyWhere stories live. Discover now