Part One Hundred: A Pursuit Of Happiness

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- Two Years Later -

"How's our favorite little girl?" Price asks as he, Laswell, Gaz, and König walk through the front door.

"Good." I embrace Price in a hug. "Simon is getting her now."

"Riley!" Gaz kneels to pet our German Shepherd who just came running down the hall.

I chuckle, "You'll always be his favorite, Gaz."

"Naturally." Gaz grins smugly as Riley jumps all over him and licks his face.

A couple of months after we finished moving into our home, Simon mentioned wanting a dog since he never had one when he was a kid.

We went down to a shelter and found the most beautiful German Shepherd we've ever seen and around his neck was a collar with the name "Riley". If that wasn't a sign I don't what is.

"There she is!" Laswell smiles wide with glee as Simon enters the living room with Sarah, our two-month-old daughter.

"She looks chust like vu." König smiles warmly at me.

"How about me?" Simon teases, sketching a brow.

After leaving the Task Force, Simon decided there was no longer a need for his mask.

Gaz, Laswell, and König were jaw-dropped the first time they visited our home and found Simon without it.

"Not at all," Gaz laughs, wearing a shit-eating grin, and Simon playfully punches his arm.

After Simon proposed, we decided we didn't want a big wedding. After all, neither of us had any family to invite.

So one month after he proposed we went down to the courthouse, invited the Task Force, König, and Captain Winters, and made the marriage official.

We had our honeymoon in Manchester, England, where Simon was born and raised.

When I proposed the location Simon rolled his eyes and said he'd rather take me somewhere "exotic" and "fun". But really, all I wanted was for Simon to show me all of his favorite landmarks, his favorite things to do in the city, and the home he grew up in. After some convincing, Simon agreed.

"She missed you." Simon smiles softly as he hands Sarah to Laswell.

Simon places his hand gently on my shoulder and asks, "How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine, Simon." I wave a dismissive hand.

"Is everything alright?" Price asks with concern, furrowing his brows.

"Yes," I sigh. "We were up all night with Sarah and didn't get much sleep." I look at Simon and roll my eyes. "I'm. Fine."

"It's my job to worry," he chuckles and presses a kiss on my cheek.

We hadn't intended to get pregnant, not this early at least. But what a blessing it has been.

I remember the day exactly.

Eleven months ago I noticed my period was late. Simon and I had a date planned to go wine tasting at this beautiful vineyard in a neighboring city.

A Ghost Encounter: My Time with Simon "Ghost" RileyWhere stories live. Discover now