Part Thirteen: Drinks

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As the days pass Ghost and I seem to be getting more used to each other.

Don't get me wrong we still argue, a lot, but we also work really well together and training has been effective.

And we talk about real stuff, not just frilly small talk.

I don't know why but it feels like I can be honest with him. I can be myself. But we never talked about what happened that day: the day we fought after we...did stuff.

We just sorta kept going on as normal.

And we haven't done anything intimate since.

As the day begins I make my way to the common area where I find everyone hanging out.

"Good morning," Gaz greets me, nodding his head.

I can't help but stare into his pretty brown eyes.

This sets off a chain reaction of everyone saying good morning. Even Ghost.

"Good morning." I smile softly at the group.

I get myself some coffee and sit at the table next to Soap.

"How's training with Ghost been?" Soap chuckles. "Has he made you want to quit yet?"

I roll my eyes playfully and chuckle, "Not even close."

As we have breakfast Soap and I talk and joke around. He's super easy to get along with.

After some time I notice Ghost standing in the kitchen, sipping his tea, and starting daggers at Soap and I.

What's his problem?

"Ghost, you better not be making her miserable." Captain Price laughs as he sits down at the table with us.

Ghost shakes his head, huffing.

"Officially three days until we leave for Iran," Price tells the group.

"Already? Damn." Gaz shakes his head.

"To celebrate let's go get some drinks." Captain Price tips his hat to us.

Gaz and Soap look at each other with big smiles on their faces.

"It's settled. We're going drinking tonight!" Soap lifts his coffee mug.

I don't hear any opposition from Ghost.

Over the past two weeks, I've gotten closer with 141. It actually feels like we're a team now.

Outside of Ghost, I've been spending a lot of time with Soap. Not only training but also playing video games admittedly...

Going out to celebrate as a group could be a lot of fun.

I think I'm actually excited!


7:00 PM

I start getting myself ready to go out for drinks. I put on a short and tight black dress with black heels.

Normally I don't wear makeup but I decided to do something light.

After curling my hair I grab my purse and head to the lobby of the base where everyone is supposed to meet up.

I wonder what Ghost is wearing.

As I walk up to the group I notice everyone's there but Ghost.

"You look great!" Soap smiles widely at me.

"Thank you," I say, smiling softly. "So do you."

Soap smirks and a light blush appears on his face.

After a few minutes, I hear footsteps approaching.

It's him.

He's wearing a tight black shirt, a black leather jacket, and dark jeans.

He's not wearing his skull mask. He's only wearing his skull balaclava.

He looks good. Really good.

As Ghost approaches his eyes meet mine.

He looks me up and down and then back at the group.

"Ready?" Ghost asks.

We make our way to the bar.

8:15 PM

Upon arriving we all hurriedly make our way to the door. Once inside we find a table and order some drinks.

"Whiskey," Ghost barks at the bartender.

Of course Ghost would order that.

"Me too." I follow in his footsteps.

We sit and chat and as the night goes on I find myself becoming more and more drunk.

I'm still conscious., but pretty drunk.

I wonder where this night will take us...

A Ghost Encounter: My Time with Simon "Ghost" RileyWhere stories live. Discover now