Part Thirty-Two: The Performance

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As we make our way down the stairs the sound of music playing grows louder and louder, colorful lights start to appear, and as we reach the bottom of the staircase we are greeted with the aroma of alcohol and sex.

The smell is so strong you can tell what it is from a mile away.

I'm taken aback by everything I see: naked women holding serving platters, strippers, people having sex, and copious amounts of alcohol.

I turn my head to Ghost and we lock eyes. I'm pretty sure he can see the discomfort on my face.

I scan the room to see if I can locate Hassan but it seems he's nowhere to be found.

"Come now. Let's have some drinks!" Ahmad motions for us to join him at a table directly in front of the stage.

We get front-row seats to bare breasts and round asses.


We get some drinks going and start making small talk with Ahmad and Cyra.

Again, Cyra is undressing and fucking Ghost with her eyes, as if recalling the night they shared.

Apparently, the Lieutenant left her very satisfied.

I could kill her if I wanted to. And I'm starting to want to.

As we sit there, one of the strippers exits the stage and approaches our table.

"Welcome to the underground," she speaks in Persian and winks at us. "Care for a dance?" She places her hand on Ghost's shoulder.

She's beautiful.

Ghost makes eye contact with me for a brief second. I can tell he's unsure of what to do and is looking for my input.

"I think he would." I smile at the woman.

Ghost faces me and I catch a glimpse of the subtle shock in his eyes.

Although it's not ideal, this is the part we're meant to play in this mission. If I act up now we'll appear suspicious.

I nod my head to Ghost, giving my silent permission.

He nods his head back, confirming that he understands, and allows the stripper to get on his lap and grind on him.

It's hard to watch so I don't.

The sight of another woman being so...intimate with him is upsetting and I can feel my face getting warm. But my feelings are not the priority here, blending in is.

I peek over and even Cyra looks jealous, acting as if she has any claim to him.

Delusional cunt.

Naturally, and annoyingly so, my gaze finds Ghost and the stripper once again.

As the woman grinds on Ghost I can tell it's arousing him. His leg is twitching. And she looks smugly satisfied.

Eventually, her performance ends. As soon as the stripper removes herself from his lap, Ghost crosses his legs, attempting to hide the obvious.

A Ghost Encounter: My Time with Simon "Ghost" RileyWhere stories live. Discover now