Part Three: Settling In

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As we approach the table I notice all eyes are on me. One pair of eyes in particular feels especially piercing, but I look downcast to avoid them.

Should I speak up? Should I wait for Price or Laswell to introduce me?

Before I get the chance to speak, Captain Price places his firm hand on my shoulder.

God, I hate physical touch.

Just let it be, Breanna.

"Alright, team. Let's welcome our newest member: Sergeant Breanna Roberts. I've assigned her to be in our upcoming mission in Iran."

Mow hawk man is the first to speak up, and he's got a big smile on his face. "Names Soap MacTavish. Welcome aboard Sergeant."

That's an incredibly thick accent. I've never heard a Scottish accent in real life before. I keep my lips shut tight as I struggle not to laugh.

I nod my head to Soap and say, "Hello" with a soft fake smile.

"Glad to have you, Sergeant Roberts." I look to the right of Soap where I hear the voice. "Call me Gaz."

Gaz reaches his hand out to shake mine.

Damn, that's a tight grip!

I then look to the last member surrounding the table: Him.

Ghost and I make eye contact for what feels like hours. Is he going to say anything? Why is he just staring? Everyone else introduced themselves...

I can no longer bear the silence.

"Staring problem?" I look at him incredulously as I arch a single brow.

Oh shit, why did I say that? I could have said anything and that's what I decided on. And although I can't see his face I can tell just by his eyes that Ghost is not happy with me.

I wonder if the Lieutenant realizes just how much he gives away with his eyes.

Ghost crosses his arms and continues to silently stare.

What the fuck is this guy's problem?

"Lieutenant Ghost," he says finally, and curtly. He nods his head at me as introduces himself.

He speaks! His voice is even deeper than Price's, his accent just as thick, and those eyes of his are dark and cold.

"Sergeant Breanna Roberts." I mimic the same attitude as Ghost to let him know I'm not one to be fucked with.

I've dealt with my fair share of idiots and dumb fucks at my last base and I am not putting up with that here.

I look away from Ghost but I can tell he's still staring. The weight of his glare is nearly unbearable.


"Well, now that you've all been introduced..." Captain Price pauses for a moment, seemingly taken back by Ghost and I's interaction. "Soap, please show Breanna to her private quarters."

Private quarters? Oh, thank God! Back at my old base, everyone shared a bunk bed in the barracks. At least here I can have some form of privacy.

The group disperses and Soap shows me all around the base.

He's a nice guy: funny, handsome, and a little dorky.

But hey, I like that.

"And this is the armory," Soap says, and motions with his hands.

Soap takes his time to show me all the ins and outs of the base.

We finally make our way to the living area. In this hall are rooms lining the walls, all next to each other, similar to a dorm hall in college. Soap walks me up to a door that reads "104" and hands me a set of keys.

"Home sweet home," Soap chuckles softly.

God, he's adorable. I can tell him and I will get along well.

"Thanks for being my tour guide," I say playfully, and let out a soft chuckle.

Soap leaves and I enter my new living space. The setup is similar to a studio so I have my own bathroom and kitchen. This is a nice upgrade!

I unpack all my bags and settle into my new space. I plop on my bed and thoughts of my interaction with Ghost earlier creep into my mind.

Dammit. He is the last thing I want to think about.

Tomorrow the team is supposed to meet for a briefing and discuss the details of our upcoming mission in Iran.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous. Not about what the mission entails, but about working as a team with these strangers.

I also can't stop thinking about what Captain Winters said: "Price asked for you specifically."

But why me? What does he know about me?

A Ghost Encounter: My Time with Simon "Ghost" RileyWhere stories live. Discover now