Part Seven: The Plan

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The clock reads 4:35 AM.

I didn't get the greatest sleep last night.

Since I went into the foster care system at 13 years old I've struggled to sleep. I normally wake up once or twice in the middle of the night a few times a week.

I have nightmares.

The nightmares vary but they always have the same recurring theme: him.

And not Ghost, him.

Him, him.

I'm always a child in these dreams, back at home, and he's there.

He's always there.

It's always right when the abuse is about to happen that I wake up from the nightmare.

I roll out of bed and start getting ready.

Training with Ghost doesn't start until 6:00 AM but I can't go back to sleep.

I finish getting ready for the day.

5:05 AM

I leave my quarters and quietly walk through the halls of the base.

As I make my way to the training room I think about Ghost and our argument yesterday.

Maybe he's right. He's probably right. I really should manage my emotions better but that's easier said than done.

I stumble into the training room and take a seat on one of the benches.

As I sit quietly a memory pops in my mind.

Why am I thinking about my sister?

When I was younger my sister and I were best friends; I told her everything. I wish I could tell her about this bullshit mission. She always gave me the best advice, always knowing exactly what to say. She'd know what to do.

Too bad she killed herself.

As time goes on I find myself fading into sleep.

5:15 AM

45 minutes until training. I can rest my eyes for a bit...




Do I hear something?



I jump in my seat to see Ghost frustratedly looking down at me.

"Good morning, princess," he says sarcastically, his voice dripping with his British accent.

Ghost makes his way to the middle of the training room.


"Yeah, morning." I get up from the bench and rub my eyes.

My watch reads 6:07 AM.

Huh, Ghost is usually early or on time. Did he let me sleep for a little longer?

"What training are we doing?" I ask groggily.

"Before we do any training we need to talk strategy. Come up with a plan for infiltrating the sex club."

Oh, right. That bullshit.

"What did you have in mind?" I ask him.

"This sex club is exclusive, yeah? That means it is underground. Not just anyone can get it."

I nod my head.

"If we want to get in we need someone to invite us in." Ghost crosses his arms.

"And who are we going to get to invite us?" I ask curiously, sketching a brow.

"There's a man named Ahmad Moradi. He's a successful owner of a luxury hotel in Iran," he tells me.

"So the plan is to what? Stay at his hotel and convince him to invite us to the club?"

Ghost chuckles and says mockingly, teasingly, "So there is a brain in there."

I swear to God.

"Very funny," I say annoyed, sarcasm dripping from my tone.

"So if I play the role of the sex worker what does that make you? My pimp?" I chuckle.

Ghost's eyes tell me he's now annoyed.

"The story is this: I am a pimp who is in the sex trafficking ring. I've traveled to Iran to sell my prized whore: you," he hisses.

I'm staring daggers at Ghost.

"We stay at Ahmad's hotel, I approach him regarding the sale, and we get invited to the sex club. From there you will catch Hassan's attention. He will purchase you and that's your ticket into his private residence where the hostages are," Ghost concludes.

I'll be lucky if I make it out of this alive.

"And once I'm in then what?"

"Do I have to do all the thinking?" Ghost sighs.

"Aw, does your brain hurt?" I say mockingly.

"Watch it," Ghost growls as crosses his arms. "Once you get inside and are placed with the other hostages you need to find a way to get them out. It's also on you to kill Hassan."

I'm so screwed.

"This is crazy." I shake my head.

"Get used to it," Ghost responds coldly.

The irritation is growing inside me again. I feel my face getting hot.

"I can't believe this is why I was recruited. I don't know how to play the role of a prostitute! I don't even know how to be sexy enough to seduce a powerful man like that!" I say panicked.

Ghost chuckles again.

This shithead.

"Being sexy will definitely be a challenge for you," he insults.

Here goes nothing.

"Fuck you." He was right. I really can't control myself. "I don't need to take shit from someone who's so ugly he wears a mask so women will want to fuck him."

Ghost grabs me by my collar and slams me up against the wall.

Now I've done it.

"Watch your fucking mouth," he hisses at me.

"Put me down!" I place my hands flat on his chest and shove, pushing him away from me.

I try to ignore the feeling of his firm, and clearly toned, chest.

We both stand silently trying to compose ourselves.

"If you ever touch me again I'll kill you," growl at him as I make my threat.

Ghost scoffs. "Good luck with that."

I stay silent as I try to process everything that just happened.

"Let's go." Ghost starts walking towards a combat mat in the training room. "It's time to train."

God help me.

A Ghost Encounter: My Time with Simon "Ghost" RileyWhere stories live. Discover now