Part Fifty: Shepherd

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Shepherd is now in control of the situation. Or so he thinks.

It appears Shepherd has no idea I'm here and probably doesn't know that Ghost is posted atop another tower across the way with his sniper scope pointed directly into the server room.

"Ghost, do you have eyes on Shepherd?" I whisper into the comms.


Then Soap has back-up from Ghost and me.

Following Shepherd's direct orders, Soap puts down his weapons and raises his hands.

"I'm empty," Soap calls out to Shepherd.

"Good." Shepherd pauses. "Now don't do anything stupid. Come in, slowly, with your arms up unless you want me to put a bullet between your eyes."

"I'm coming in." Soap pushes the door open with his foot and cautiously enters the server room.

"Damn fools. All of you. Do you truly believe you can win? That you can stop all of Shadow team? Don't be delusional," Shepherd scoffs.

Soap lets out a soft chuckle, "I managed to take out all of your lap dogs and make my way to you, didn't I?"

"And now you're here, unarmed, and looking death right in the face," Shepherd growls, annoyed with Soap's nonchalant attitude. "I know you're not alone. Where are the others?"

"Laswell and Price are locating the missile." Soap pauses. "Gaz and Ghost are clearing the bottom floors. It's just you and me in here now."

Please, please buy it.

"That's your mistake: thinking you're good enough to take me out on your own," Shepherd scoffs, his tone malicious.

"Call off your Shadows," Soap says sternly.

"You know, I don't think I will." Shepherd points his gun directly at Soap.

"Here's what's going to happen, boy. No one can know about my or the Shadow Team's connection to the missiles. So you and all the Neanderthals at the Task Force are going to have to disappear."

From where I'm hiding I can see the sinister smile on Shepherd's face.

It's the smile of a man who thinks he's won.

"That's your plan then, yeah? Kill all of the Task Force? Ha, you think your crimes will disappear that easily?" Soap shakes his head, then smirks cockily. "No matter how many Shadows you send or how many of us you kill your dirty laundry will be aired out."

"Guess we'll have to wait and see about that. But for now, I can start with you." Shepherd cocks the lever on his gun.

Soap clenches his jaw.

Shit, what do I do? Do I move in now? Do I wait for Ghost?

In a crouched position, I slowly move my way up to the door of the server room without being noticed.

"Any last words, Sergeant?" Shepherd asks arrogantly, puffing his chest.

"Yes, actually..." he pauses. "See you in Hell." Soap smiles cheekily and calls out to me, "Now, Breanna!"

A warm rush flows through my body, blood pumping, adrenaline spiking. I jolt up from my crouched position and focus my aim on Shepherd, but he's fast. Too fast.


Shepherd shoots Soap.

"Soap!" I scream.

A Ghost Encounter: My Time with Simon "Ghost" RileyWhere stories live. Discover now