Part Ninety-Three: A Ghost Haunting

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Back to Breanna's Point of View (POV)

Begrudgingly, I lift myself off of Zach's lap and head for the front door.

Whoever this is it better be fucking important.

I unlock the door, turn the nob, and reveal who's outside.

When I see who's standing at my door, with guilt and sorrow in his eyes, it takes everything in me not to scream.

Without wearing his mask, there stands Simon Riley. this real? He's not saying anything.

I open my mouth, about to speak, but no words are coming out. So I reach my hand out and touch his chest to make sure he's real.

Simon's breath hitches.

"Everything alright?" Zach calls out from the couch.

I say nothing.

Simon looks past me to where Zach is sitting and I track his eyes as they lower and spot Zach's unbuttoned pants.

He then peels his eyes off Zach and shoots his gaze down to my unbuttoned pants.

The picture is clear to him now but when his eyes meet mine there's no anger, no jealousy. Just concern.

Holding Simon's gaze I say loudly, "Leave."


I cut Simon off by raising my hand.

"Not you," I deadpan. Without breaking our eye contact I say, "Zach. Leave."

"What?" Zach stands from the couch, huffing, "We were kind of in the middle of something."

I finally break from Simon's stare and turn my head to look at Zach.

"Now," I say sternly.

Zach scoffs, approaching Simon and I by the door. "Who's this? An old boyfriend or something?"

"Leave, Zach," I growl, leaving no room for argument.

Though the idiot manages to make some room.

Zach looks Simon up and down but Simon doesn't break his stare from me until Zach says, "Ah, I see." He grins smugly at Simon, chuckling. "You were going to fuck me but a better opportunity just came around, huh? I forgot. You're a whore."

In a flash, Simon grabs Zach by his shirt collar and slams him against the doorframe.

"Careful now," Simon seethes and holds Zach's gaze fiercely.

Zach audibly gulps.

"She asked you to leave." Simon lets go of his collar and moves out of the door frame so Zach can exit.

"Pfft. Whatever." Zach rolls his eyes, then leaves and takes his attitude with him.

I move out of the doorframe, permitting Simon to enter. I close the door behind us.

A Ghost Encounter: My Time with Simon "Ghost" RileyWhere stories live. Discover now