Part Fourty-Four: Intimacy

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The passion between us only continues to intensify, like someone adding fuel to a flame.

Eventually, we'll burn out.

Though I'll try and keep the fire alive for as long as I can.

I've come to the overwhelming conclusion that I cannot resist Simon. No matter how hard I try. No matter how badly I'd like to run away and never look back.

I cannot resist him. I need him like an addict needs their fix.

As he continues to kiss me, cupping my face, I can feel his tongue slip in and it's the sweetest thing I've ever tasted.

Ghost's hands move from my face to my waist, squeezing tightly.

He lifts me oh so effortlessly and I wrap my legs around his pretty little waist.

As he carries me toward the dresser in the room, I wrap my arms around his neck and nibble on it. His soft moans and warm breath tickle my ear.

Ghost sits me down on the dresser and hastily starts unbuckling his pants.

Staring at him in awe, I take in all his beauty.

"What is it, sweetheart?" He notices me staring, stopping in his tracks.

"I find you so beautiful," I whisper, looking deep into his eyes and refusing to break contact.

He blushes and his eyes tell me this is the first time he's being seen for the man he is and not the monster that war has turned him into.

Ghost leans in slowly and plants a soft and loving kiss on my forehead. "I love you."

"And I love you," I say as I slowly pull my shirt off over my head.

Ghost finishes pulling his pants off and helps me with mine, revealing my wetness.

Ghost licks his lips when he sees this as if he's starved and I'm the key to ending his insatiable appetite.

He gets down on his knees before the dresser I'm sitting on. He grips my thighs and spreads my legs wide open.

His voice is muffled, speaking as he plants kisses all over my inner thighs. "Pretty little pussy."

Ghost's words warm my body up, my wetness twitching, desperate for him to give me some release.

And that's exactly what he gives me.

Ghost kisses my clit, sucking it into his mouth. I tightly grip the hair on top of his head.

It's almost like his tongue has a mind of its own, roaming my entire pussy, and hitting all the best spots.

"Fuck, Simon," I moan, the pleasure blinding. "I need you inside of me."

Ghost stops in his tracks and wipes his lips as he pulls away from my pussy—my juices sticking to his chin—and looks up at me.

"Tell me how bad you need it," he groans, not being able to hold back much longer.

"I need it badly," I whimper. "I need you inside me badly, baby."

Lust flickers in Ghost's eyes and his body is tense with desire.

He stands to his feet, holds his hard cock firm, and puts it at my entrance.

Ghost stops there, refusing to place himself inside of me.

He's teasing me.

I give him a small frown as my body desperately needs him, needs release.

"Beg," he says with guttural need.

"What?" I scrunch my face at him.

"Beg for it," he demands, the lust and need in his gaze growing brighter.

And beg I do.

"Please, Simon." I lean in close to his ear, whispering warmly, "Please fuck me, make me come. I'm begging you."

Ghost's primal instincts kick in and without warning he powerfully thrusts himself inside of me.

"Holy fuck," I moan out loudly, tilting my head back, as he thrusts into me.

I hear a soft chuckle coming from Ghost. "Holy fuck, indeed," he pants.

Ghost continues to fuck me with a fiery passion, filling me perfectly, and slamming against my g-spot.

I feel my climax on the brink. He notices this so he picks up his pace, angling himself so he can thrusts deeper and deeper until he fills me up entirely.

My eyes roll to the back of my head as I ride out my high on his cock.

"Fhuc m-mee ah-" I can't even think straight, let alone talk right.

I come and my walls tighten around his cock, aiding in his pleasure

"That's right, baby girl. Come all over my cock," he grins, proud of himself. "Fuckkk me-"

Ghost has one hand gripping my waist and the other plastered on the wall behind us as he begins riding out his climax.

"Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fu-" he whimpers, his voice raising in pitch.

That's a new sound. And I really fucking like that I'm the one bringing that sound out of him.

I feel his warm seed fill me up.

Ghost—leaning against my body and the dresser—rests his head in the nook of my shoulder as he tries to catch his breath.

Also trying to recoup, I lean my head on his and softly scratch his back.

"Forgive me now?" he chuckles softly and I can feel his body vibrate against mine.

"Don't push it," I chuckle back.

I could stay like this, in his embrace, forever.

A Ghost Encounter: My Time with Simon "Ghost" RileyWhere stories live. Discover now