Part Nineteen: The Hotel

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"You booked this room?" I arch my brow, looking at the Lieutenant skeptically.

Ghost rolls his eyes and scoffs, "Ahmad booked it for us."

Lucky us...

"Is there a problem?" He huffs.

"No, just curious." I plop down on the bed and gaze around the room in awe.

I've never been to such a nice place before. It's a little overwhelming.

"Never been in a hotel before?" He shakes his head, his irritation palpable.

What the hell is his problem?

"I haven't, actually." I cross my arms, upset.

"And you've never been on a plane?" Ghost scoffs.

"So what?" I hiss.

Ghost just looks at me.

"I said so what?" I'm growing annoyed.

Ghost sighs deeply, "Are you looking for a fight?"


"No, but it seems you are," I growl.

Ghost walks into the kitchen area and starts a pot.

Does he really think he can just ignore me?

"Why did you ask about the plane? About the hotel?" I press the question.

Ghost stays silent for a moment, assumingly contemplating his response, and without turning to face me he speaks.

"Because you're looking around everywhere in awe like a little kid. You're going to blow our cover," he says matter-of-factly.

That's it.

"Oh, fuck you." I scoff in disbelief. "I'm not going to blow our cover, jackass!"

"Calm down," Ghost admonishes, keeping his voice down. "Someone could hear us if you're too loud. Stop risking the mission."

"No," I say firmly and stand up from the bed. "Guess what Ghost...oh, wait, or is it Simon? Riley? Or maybe Michael?"

Ghost finally turns to face me as he slams his hand down on the counter.

"Watch yourself," he hisses as he threatens me.

"Hah! Or what?" I challenge.

He stands there looking furious.

"I don't know who the real you is. Hard to tell when you hide behind your mask," I snicker.

Low blows. I'm pathetic when I'm angry.

"Shut the fuck up!" Ghost breaks, yelling at me.

Who's being loud and risking the mission now?

"You shut the fuck up." I lower my voice because, at the end of the day, Ghost is right. We can't risk the mission over a pissing contest. "Why can't I be happy, huh? No, I've never been on a plane before because my family could never afford to travel because of my dad's medical bills. No, I've never been to a hotel because I was never able to leave the house so my stepfather could always keep an eye on me. Guess what, Ghost? There are a lot of things I haven't been able to do because I was robbed of opportunities. I have a right to be excited about these things so fuck you for trying to take that away from me." My voice cracks as I whisper loudly.

Ghost averts his gaze down and remains silent.

"I don't know what your problem is with me. I thought we were friends. But I guess we're not." I walk into the bathroom and slam the door shut, locking it.

I really hope these hotel walls aren't thin...


This bath feels good.

My watch reads 4:55 PM.

I've been hiding away in the bathroom for about an hour.


"What?" I growl behind the bathroom door.

"I have to piss," Ghost sighs.


I start getting out of the bath and Ghost barges in.

"I locked the door," I say startled.

"I unlocked it." He shrugs his shoulders like he couldn't care less.

I'm standing there naked, wet, and covered in some bubbles.

"You could wait a damn minute," I hiss as I wrap a towel around me and make my way out of the bathroom.

I look over at the bed and notice a dress: It's red.

Am I supposed to wear this?

After a few moments, Ghost comes out of the bathroom.

"Get dressed," he orders.


"Dinner with Ahmad. Time to put your game face on, sweetheart." He gives me a fake smile.

Shit, already?

Why does he have to be so condescending...

I put the dress on, curl my hair, and touch up my makeup.

Looks alright. Less whorish, at least.

I see Ghost is wearing a nice suit.

I start remembering the intimacy Ghost and I have shared as I look at him and I'm feeling aroused.

Shit, stop thinking about that. Think about how much he pisses you off.

"Ready?" I ask.

Ghost nods his head and opens the door.

Here goes nothing.

A Ghost Encounter: My Time with Simon "Ghost" RileyWhere stories live. Discover now