Part Fourteen: Tension

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After a while, the group disperses throughout the bar to do their own things.

Gaz is playing pool with some guys.

Ghost is sitting at the bar.

Price, Soap, and I are sitting at the same table talking.

I turn my attention toward Ghost and notice a woman standing incredibly close to him.

Who the hell is that? And why am I feeling upset?

Seems like they're chatting.

I try not to stare too much but I notice a shift out of the corner of my eye.

She practically has Ghost's knee between her legs, nearly sitting on him. She has one hand on his bicep.

Ghost's hand is so low on her waist that it's practically on her ass.

What the fuck.

A type of anger I've never really felt before is rising within me.

Maybe it's the alcohol?

Whatever it is I'm pissed.

She's the complete opposite of me too: tall, blonde, blue eyes, bigger boobs. She carries herself with grace and confidence, too.

Fuck it.

Who cares anyways...I don't.

I stand up from my seat and reach my hand out to Soap.

"Wanna dance?" I'm starting to slur my words as the alcohol flows through my veins.

Soap grabs my hand and stands up from his seat.

I turn and notice Ghost staring at us.

Soap and I make our way to the dance floor and he places his hands on my waist.

We talk and dance for a bit. Soap is really flirty; he's coming on strong but I allow it.

"Having fun?" Soap winks at me.

"I am now." I wink back.

Two can play this game, Ghost.

Soap brings his face closer and closer to mine, building tension. Eventually, he pulls me in and kisses me.

I didn't expect that but I kiss him back, not thinking of any repercussions.

He's a good kisser, actually. Soaps lips are soft. His kisses tender.

I shoot a sidelong glance back at the bar to see if Ghost is still staring.

He's gone.

The seat he was in is empty and the blonde woman is sitting alone at the bar.

Where did he go?

I'm starting to feel lightheaded. I've definitely had too much to drink.

Soap is pretty drunk too.

I think we all are.

We make our way back to the table. Before I'm about to sit down I feel someone grab my arm.

I whip around and it's Ghost.

He leans down and whispers in my ear, "Let's go."

Huh? Why?

"She's wasted. I'm taking her back to base," Ghost tells the group.

I'm fine...but I concede regardless.

I follow him outside the bar and notice a cab waiting for us.

I look at Ghost confused but he notions for me to get into the cab.

So I do.

The cab ride is 10 minutes for pure silence.

We make it back to base.

Ghost remains silent as we weave our way through the base and into his quarters.

"What's going on? Why did we leave?" I ask annoyed because I was actually having fun.

Before I know it Ghost lifts me and carries me over to his bed.

What is happening right now?

He stands me up by his bed, grips my dress, and rips in right down the middle.


Dammit. I just bought this dress...

"I'll make it up to you." Ghost pushes me down on the bed, his large frame leaning over me.

My annoyance quickly shifts to that of arousal.

He slips my panties off and unhooks my bra.

I'm laying there. Utterly naked.

Ghost lifts his balaclava again just above his nose.

He leans over me and starts kissing my neck.

Oh boy...

A Ghost Encounter: My Time with Simon "Ghost" RileyWhere stories live. Discover now