Part Fifty-Two: Settling Back

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Simon slowly gets off from atop me, pulls his pants back up, and buckles himself.

I can't take my eyes off him.

I also pull up my pants and get everything settled before the rest of the team pulls up.

"So you're not mad at me, then?" I ask cautiously, hoping I didn't embarrass him.

He looks down at me with a soft smile and shakes his head to indicate that he's not upset.

That doesn't seem convincing or maybe I'm overthinking it...

Damn anxiety.

"Are you sure? I'm sorry, Simon. I didn't mean to embarrass yo-"

He cuts me off by grabbing my face between his hands and kissing me.

"You've done nothing wrong, sweet girl," he sighs. "I'm just not used to public displays."

Ghost pulls away and scratches the back of his head awkwardly. He puts his mask back on and peaks around the helicopter to make sure no one was around to hear.

"If you're sure," I say insecurely. "I guess everyone knows now, huh?." I look at him, waiting to gauge his reaction.

Without looking at me he responds.

"Guess so," he shrugs nonchalantly. "Let's move our asses." Ghost says over the comms to 141.

Does he not care if they know?

"Done already?" Soap chuckles over the comms, insinuating what we already know to be true.

I blush immediately.

I guess they let us have our fun...

"Watch it, Johnny," Ghost growls. "That mouth of yours is getting on my nerves."

All we hear are snickers over the comms from Soap and Gaz.

I swear to God I'm going to kick their asses.

But Ghost doesn't react. Maybe I'm more self-conscious about this than he is.

Price, Laswell, Soap, and Gaz approach us right outside the helicopter.

"Good work, team." Price nods his head to everyone, placing his hand on Gaz's shoulder.

"This mission was a great success. When we get back to base we're going out to celebrate!" Laswell smiles and everyone looks around excitedly.

Everyone but Ghost.

"Let's get moving then." Captain Price motions for everyone to enter the helicopter.


After a six-hour flight, we finally made it back to base.

I'm fucking beat.

No more missions for a little while. Wait-

Oh, I forgot.

I'm not a Task Force member. That means...

"Hey! Are we ready to partayyy?" Soap runs into the common room at the base all excited.

Ghost is sitting at the kitchen table drinking tea. Gaz and I are on the couch playing Mario Kart.

In case you're wondering yes, he still sucks. and yes, I beat him...over, and over, again.

"Too loud," Ghost mumbles as he sips his tea.

Ignoring him, Soap rolls his eyes and runs over to Gaz and me.

"Hope you all can hold your liquor better than last time," Soap chuckles.

"You're the one who turns into a big, drunk baby," Gaz scoffs, teasing Soap.

Soap blushes from embarrassment.

"Whatever. Piss off!" Soap nags Gaz with a playful punch to the arm.

Next thing I know Gaz is chasing Soap around the common room.

"Enough!" Ghost admonishes. "Some of us are trying to get some peace and quiet."

"You? Peace and quiet?" Soap laughs. "Whatever you say, L.T."

That doesn't warrant a response from Ghost and he keeps on sipping.

Soap and Gaz return to the couch and continue playing the game.

I get up and make my way over to Ghost, sitting down at the table.

"Are you going?" I tilt my head.

"Out for drinks tonight?" he pauses contemplatively. "Will you be going?"

I nod my head to confirm.

"Then I'll be there," he deadpans.

I don't know why but that made my heart smile. Even if it's something he dislikes he'll go anywhere I go.

Although I'm happy we completed the mission successfully with few casualties, I can't help but feel this unexplained weight of sadness and fear.

Ghost is reading a book so he's paying me no mind. I stare at him for a little while, admiring him.

"You're staring," he croons.

"Sorry." I shake my head to refocus myself and turn my gaze over in the direction of Soap and Gaz, placing my chin on my hand for support.

Although I've turned my head I can feel Ghost's gaze on me now.

After we celebrate tonight I should be returning to my original base within the next few days.

I'll get to see Captain Winters and my team again. I'll tell them all the stories about Task Force 141, how the tales about their skill and grit are true, but how the rumors about the cold-hearted Ghost are more complicated than we thought.

But I don't think I want to leave this place, leave 141. I don't want to leave Simon. I wonder if once I leave he'll still go anywhere I go.

I wonder what will happen to us.

A Ghost Encounter: My Time with Simon "Ghost" RileyWhere stories live. Discover now