Part Sixty-Five: We're Going Where Now?

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Approximately two weeks have passed since the surprise party and things have been going smoothly. König has excelled in all of his training. To be honest he should be the one training me...

Things between Soap and I are great because of how—dare I say it—mature he is. He's been friendly and respectful of Ghost and I's boundaries.

Ghost has been great, too. Don't get me wrong he has an attitude problem here and there but he's trying and that's what matters.

Nobody's perfect and neither am I.

Today is the day we get briefed by Laswell and Captain Price about our upcoming mission. Outside of our two leaders, none of us know what the mission is about. Ghost has some speculations but nothing that's been confirmed.

6:15 AM

The briefing starts in 15 minutes so I better get going.

I walk out of my quarters and find Ghost standing directly outside of his.

"Waiting for me?" I ask as I lock my door.

"No..." he says bashfully, clearly lying.

One conclusion I've made over the past two weeks is that most of the time when it's just Simon and me he's a bit coy and bashful but he struggles, painfully so, with public displays of affection.

But that's alright. I'm more than willing to meet him exactly where he's at.

"Whatever you say." I shrug my shoulders playfully. "Let's go."

Ghost nods his head and we both head for the briefing room.

As we enter we see that everyone is already here. Everyone except for Soap.

6:31 AM

Huh, Soap is never late. Where is he?

We wait silently for a few more minutes.

6:37 AM

"Does anyone have any idea where Soap is?" Laswell asks the group, her brows furrowed.

We all look at each other but no one knows.

"Last I saw him was yesterday night. He said he was going out for a bit," Gaz informs the group.

"Bloody hell," Price sighs deeply.

"Should one of us go look for him?" I ask concerned.

"That might be a good idea,"'Laswell responds.

"I'll go," Ghost says as he stands to his feet but as soon as he does Soap bursts through the door frantically.

"Where the hell have you been?" Ghost barks at Soap.

"S-sorry...Ha...Am I late?" Soap is huffing and puffing.

"Late is an understatement." Price admonishes. "Answer the question," he demands.

Soap's face immediately turns bright red.

"Ummm...Haha. I was uh..." He scratches the back of his head.

"Getting laid?" Ghost crosses his arms.

"Something like that." Soap makes direct eye contact with me and then walks with his head hung low to sit down. "Sorry."

"Well now that we're all here let's start." Laswell gives Soap a pointed look and then takes a deep breath. "As we all know it was Russians—Ultra-nationalists—that intercepted the Shadow company when they were attempting to transport the missiles. Those Ultra-nationalists are now working hand-in-hand with Makarov. Vladimir Makarov."

A Ghost Encounter: My Time with Simon "Ghost" RileyWhere stories live. Discover now