Part Fifty-Eight: Simon Riley - Part Two

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Soap should learn to mind his own goddamn business.

I'm not a quitter but a strategist. If there is no chance of winning then why continue? One of the most basic rules of battle strategy is to know when to retreat.

So I'm retreating.

Soap's far too young to understand the complexities of Breanna and I's relationship.

Well, Breanna is a few years younger than Soap...

Another reason why she and I won't work. She's 25 and I'm 32. She should be with someone her own age.

Like Johnny.

My imagination keeps pounding the image of Johnny and Breanna being intimate together into the forefront of my mind.

Fuck off, brain.

"...I will pursue her."

Fuck off, Johnny.

It's not like Breanna would ever be with Johnny...would she?

Whatever. It doesn't matter. I don't care.

After taking care of some business in my office, I head back to my quarters.

8:05 PM

As I walk up to my door I can't help but feel drawn to hers.

Is she truly gone? Maybe I should check. It's not like Soap and the others didn't...

I take a step right up to her door and the air around me grows somber. I grip the doorknob but I'm struggling to turn it. I know she's not inside. I know her things are gone.

So why am I terrified to go inside?

I take a deep breath, clearing my thoughts, and enter her private quarters.


Well, almost empty. There's a small box on her used-to-be dining table.

I can feel my heartbeat accelerating as I approach the ominous object. Atop the box lies a sticky note that reads:

I figured you'd break into my quarters considering your inability to respect my boundaries.

Here is my parting gift to you.

Don't haunt me,

Breanna Roberts

(P.S. You can just toss the letter I left in your room.)

Hah. It appears I'm not the only trespasser...but a letter, huh? I'll deal with that later.

Don't haunt me.

Why? Because I'm a "Ghost"?


The anticipation is starting to weigh on me so I slowly peel the top of the box to reveal the contents inside.

This girl. Ha...Haha...ha...

A copy of the 1990's Swayze movie, Ghost.

She thinks she's so funny. Well, to be fair, she is. That's one of the many things I admire about her.

Gripping the movie, I leave her quarters and enter my own.

A Ghost Encounter: My Time with Simon "Ghost" RileyWhere stories live. Discover now