Part Ninety-Eight: Yes

638 16 7

6:00 PM


After hearing my doorbell ring, I open the front door.

"You look...beautiful," Simon says breathlessly, his cheeks tinted red from embarrassment.

He's right, though. I do look beautiful.

Simon promised a fancy steak dinner so I wore my nicest dress: a silky dark blue fitted gown that hugs all my curves just right. Accompanying the dress I decorated my ears and neck with pearls, am holding a small clutch, and have loose and bouncy curls.

"So do you," I smile brightly at seeing him in a suit, looking absolutely delectable.

"Ready?" He holds his hand out for me to hold and I do.

Simon drove us to the restaurant, the car ride was quiet but calming.

He is being quite the gentleman, too.

When we parked, he opened my car door and held my arm.

After being seated and having our orders taken, we begin talking.

"How are the recruits doing?" I ask him.

"Better than expected," he says was pride. "There's one that has the potential for the Task Force."

To replace my spot...or Soap's.

"That's great." I smile softly. "Not much time left till you're done training right?" I ask carefully.

Simon's eyes warily meet mine, "One week."

"And after that?" A dangerously loaded question.

The server places down our meals.

"Thank you," Simon tells the server and then brings his attention back to me. "I'm not sure. It depends."

"On?" I ask curiously but also anxiously.

"How about we save that for after dinner, sweetheart." He takes a bite of his food.

Normally I'd say fuck that and hash it out here but Dr. Griffin said it'd be good for me to work on my reactivity. So instead I say, "What are we doing after dinner?"

"Now that, love, is a surprise." Simon mischievously smirks at me.

I playfully roll my eyes and dig into my plate. I'm going to enjoy this meal and every second I'm spending with Simon.


"This is where you wanted to have dessert? Not at the fancy restaurant?" he asks incredulously, arching a brow, as we walk up to a rinky-dink ice cream parlor.

"What?" I laugh. "They have the best rocky road!"

Simon playfully rolls his eyes and opens the door for us to enter.

As we wait in line, a voice breaks through the silence.

"Simon?" A female voice calls out and Simon and I both turn to face the direction of the voice.

It's a pretty woman: light brown hair, green eyes, and tall.

"Kaitlyn..." Simon says her name softly and I can pick up on the tension.

A former lover?

"How long has it been? Three months maybe?" She chuckles and they embrace in a brief hug.

Three months ago...

A recent former lover, then.

"Something like that," he dismisses with a nervous chuckle.

A Ghost Encounter: My Time with Simon "Ghost" RileyWhere stories live. Discover now