Part Sixty: Making Amends

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Here I lay, in the back of Ghost'a truck, waiting in anticipation for him to make his next move.

But he's just hovering over me, looking at me—no—analyzing me with his dark yet soft eyes.

"Don't tell me there's something on my face." I joke, trying to lighten the abruptly dark mood.

He chuckles and gives me a fake smile.

Something's wrong.

"Hey..." I pause to adjust and sit myself up a little. He places his big hand behind the small of my back to support me.

I could melt.

"What's wrong?" I furrow my brows.

Ghost takes a deep breath and averts his gaze like he's afraid of me.

"Talk to me." I cup one side of his face gently with my hand, rubbing my thumb softly against his cheek.

He brings his gaze back to mine.

I can see his jaw clench and his eyes tell me he's sad.

Being close to Simon Riley is like a double-edged sword. We can communicate without words and I can tell how he's feeling just by looking at him.

But he can do the same thing with me and vulnerability is not a feeling he or I have been known to handle very well.

"I'm...sorry," he whispers.

"What for?" I tilt my head.

Despite all the bullshit that has plagued our relationship up until now I never expected to receive an apology from him. Simon "Ghost" Riley is not someone who just hands out apologies, even if he's done something wrong.

He places his hand above mine which is still cupping his face.

"For everything." His voice breaks and I see tears forming in his eyes.

Who is this man I see before me? It's almost like he's a butterfly now. Once before in his cacoon—hiding, but now he's blossomed and he's stronger for it.

"Simon, it's ok-"

He cuts me off.

"It's not," he sighs, his shame palpable. "I'm sorry. For making you cry, for playing with your feelings, for being cold and distant...I'm sorry."

Simon has no idea how I've already forgiven him, how I'll always forgive him. That might sound crazy and stupid but I don't care.

It's not like I've been innocent throughout this. I know the parts I've played in the downfall of us. But we're here now, together, and bonded.

As much as I've forgiven him I'm sure he's forgiven me.

Besides, I know why he acts the way he does and why he is the way he is. Had he been loved, or even treated with the slightest bit of kindness from anyone that mattered, he would have turned out differently.

But I'm so happy he's exactly who he is.

"I know you are." I lean up and kiss him.

He returns the kiss and tightens his grip on the small of my back.

"I've already forgiven you." I smile reassuringly. "And I'm sorry, too."

He shakes his head.

"You've nothing to be sorry for, sweetheart."

"Yes, I do," I say firmly.

Simon's eyes avert downwards for a moment but then he looks back up at me.

"Johnny loves you," he confesses.

That's quite the subject change...

"Yeah, I love him, too. He's a great friend and-"

He cuts me off again.

"No." Ghost shakes his head. "He's in love with you."

My heart sinks.

I mean I could tell he had a little crush on me but I didn't think...

"Why are you bringing this up now?" I ask, utterly confused and taken aback.

"I thought you should know you have...options."


I sketch a brow, looking at him with puzzlement.

"Johnny is a good kid. He's kind and surprisingly smart," he chuckles softly. "He could give you the world."

He says this as he's literally on top of me...

"My dear Simon..." I lean up to kiss his forehead for a moment. "Please don't ever think that I'd want to be with anyone other than you. What can I say to convince you of that?"

His mouth curves upwards into the cutest smile I've ever seen, confirming that he's now convinced.

"Talk to him," Ghost tells me.

I will. I need to.

Soap is a very important person to me. He's my closest friend outside of Ghost in the Task Force. As much as I need things to be settled between Ghost and me, I need the same for my and Johnny's relationship, too.

I nod my head in agreement.

"I love you," Simon says tenderly.

"I know." I grab the collar of his shirt and pull him down and all his weight on top of me.

He begins kissing the side of my mouth, slowly moving to kiss my jaw, and eventually, his lips meet my neck.

I grip the back of his jacket from the pleasure.

He moves, sitting up a bit. Simon begins kissing my collar and tries to make his way down to my breasts.

The car shakes a bit and I grow nervous.

"S-Simon, slow down. We have to be careful what if someone sees!" I whisper yell as he continues to kiss down my body, not paying me any mind.

He exposes one of my breasts and begins sucking on my nipple.

I moan.

"Simon!" I lift his head directly in front of mine so he has no choice but to listen to me. "Did you hear me?"

He sighs but then nods.

"Yeah, I'll be...careful." He then continues what I interrupted.


I swear to God if we get caught I'm going to kick his ass.

But that thought leaves as soon as it enters as he's now kissing and licking down my stomach.

I'm overcome with the sensations of his mouth and find myself guiding his head, longing for more. And I'll be damned if I let the crampedness of the car ruin this moment.

I struggle to squirm out of my pants but he helps to pull them, and my underwear, off of me.

Simon quickly does the same, unbuckling his belt, and pulling his pants and underwear down just beneath his plump ass.

I can't pull my gaze away from his beautiful face.

How this man can be insecure about his appearance is beyond me.

My mouth begins to drool as his eyes roam my body and he nibbles on his bottom lip in lust and adoration.

We intertwine ourselves and make love for a good while, steaming up the windows, most likely shaking the car.

After we both finish, I lay on top of him and he pets my head, running his fingers through my hair.

After a few moments, he grabs my chin with his hand, lifts my face to his, and begins to speak. "Let's go home."

A Ghost Encounter: My Time with Simon "Ghost" RileyWhere stories live. Discover now