Part Eighty-Six: The Funeral - Part Two

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8:45 AM

I sat out by the flower garden and simply existed. I thought about both Simon and Soap a lot.

When thinking about Simon, I thought about the way he suffers in silence, like it's the only option he has. I thought about how he'd feel and act during the funeral. I thought about all the ways I could comfort him afterward.

When thinking about Soap, I thought about his accent which always brought a smile to my face. I thought about all the games we played and how, for the most part, I always kicked his ass. I then thought about how much I missed him—how much I'll always miss him.

My thoughts were halted when my Captain approached me.

"Sergeant." He nods at me as I stand to my feet. "Fresh air?" He playfully tilts his head.

"Fresh air," I chuckle softly.

"Are you doing alright?" Price asks, his concern palpable.

"I am. I just-" My throat bobs. "I'm more concerned about Ghost."

"Ah..." he sighs. "He's a difficult one: to read and to comfort." He speaks from experience.

"That's what I'm learning." I smile somberly.

"But how are you? Really?" Price places a gentle hand on my shoulder, squeezing softly.

I shake my head softly and bite my lip.

"Another time?" he asks me, not pushing me farther than I'd like to go.

I respect and appreciate that deeply.

"Another time," I say quietly.

Captain Price and I re-enter the base and make our way to the briefing room. Once we enter, we find König and Laswell already inside.

8:55 AM

Two minutes later, Gaz enters the room. Ghost enters the room right as the clock hits 9:00 AM, eyes down.

Everyone takes a seat near each other, except our two leaders, who remain standing.

"Today won't be easy..." Laswell sighs. "I know that. But for Soap and his family, we need to put our best faces on." Laswell walks up to where Ghost is sitting and gently places her hand on his shoulder.

It must be painfully obvious to everyone that Ghost is struggling the most with Soap's death.

"The Funeral Honors starts at 10:30 AM. The committal services will begin shortly after that." Laswell pauses to look at all of us. "There will be a reception after the service."

The entire room stills, the air thick and tense.

"It's not mandatory..." Laswell continues. "But it is encouraged."

Laswell then looks at Price, her gaze telling him to speak.

After catching the hint, Price clears his throat and says, "If you decide not to attend the reception, please pay your respects to Soap's family before you dismiss yourself."

I look over at Ghost, who seems to be purposely avoiding my gaze, and I ponder.

Will Ghost attend the reception? Probably not.

A Ghost Encounter: My Time with Simon "Ghost" RileyWhere stories live. Discover now