Part Fifty-Seven: Simon Riley - Part One

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Simon "Ghost" Riley's Point of View (POV)

Go after her. She's right there and she's slipping away...

Just move your legs, idiot.

My mind isn't strong enough to tell my body what to do. In terms of fight or flight, I'm in the crippling mode of freeze.

Even if I do go after her, then what?

"Will you commit to me?"

I don't know if I can. I've never committed myself to anyone, not since after...

No. Not that. Fuck you. I'm not thinking about that.

It's fine, right? It'll all be fine. I don't need her.

But God do I want her so fucking badly.

No. No. No. No. NO.

I don't deserve her. She deserves better. What can I offer her? Nothing. What have I ever offered anyone? Nothing. I'm nothing, not even a man, just a shell of one. Just a tool to be used in war; that's all I'm good at. I need to let her go because it would be selfish of me to ask her to stay.

I should have just let Soap have her. He would have treated her better anyway. All I've done is hurt her, over and over again, yet she still loves—

No, scratch that, she doesn't actually love me because no one does. She still wants to be around me, though, and I have no idea why.

I've strung her along, I've made her cry, and I've rejected and pushed her away.

Why, Breanna? Why me?

She says she loves me but does she really? Can anyone truly fall for an unlovable monster?

"I won't forgive you."

I've already tainted her perception of me.

She's out of my line of sight now, probably in her quarters.

She leaves tomorrow. Should I say goodbye? No, what good would that do? I'll just leave her be. She probably hates me now anyway.

I wonder what her future will look like, where she'll go, who she' with.

I feel my jaw clench and chills run up my spine.

Maybe she'll be with Johnny.

Fuck that.

I'm getting angry just thinking about it. I don't want anyone to touch her the way I do, admire her beauty the way I do, or know her the way I do.

I love her, I truly do, but I can't love her the way she deserves.

If we were to stay together I'd only continue to hurt her and she'd grow to resent me. I'd be her biggest regret.

I need to let her go.


7:18 PM

"L.T.!" I hear Soap calling for me as I walk toward my office.

"What is it, Johnny?" I turn to face him as I grip the door nob to my office.

"Have you seen, Breanna?" He sounds panicked.

What's going on?

"Not since earlier in the day, why?" I sketch a brow, still gripping the door nob.

Soap looks distraught, breathing heavily.

A Ghost Encounter: My Time with Simon "Ghost" RileyWhere stories live. Discover now