Part Fifteen: New Experieces

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"Got bored of the blonde or what?" I snark.

I sound jealous. I am jealous.

Stop that, Breanna.

Since Ghost lifted his mask just above his mouth I can see his frown.

"She was pretty," I huff.

I sound insecure. I am insecure.

"Got bored of kissing Soap?" He retorts.

So he did see.

Why does he sound jealous?

"Nope." I give him a sour look. "I would have kept going had you not interrupted."

Which isn't true, but my intention isn't honesty. It's to rile him up. Can you blame me? He started this. He was the one all over that woman.

I shouldn't even care. I have no feelings for the Lieutenant.

Ghost's frown deepens. He's pissed for sure.

He starts to get up but I sit up quickly and grab his arm to stop him.

I want this. Whatever this is. I want it.

We stare at each other silently but it feels like we're communicating. Seemingly satisfied with what he sees in my gaze, Ghost hovers over me once again and continues kissing my neck, sucking it even.

At this rate, he's going to leave some hickeys...

He begins to slowly kiss his way down my body. With his hand, he gropes one of my breasts. He places his lips around the other.

I'm getting wet.

Ghost starts sucking on my nipple.

I can't help but moan out. It feels so good.

As he sucks, he catches me peeked nipple between his teeth, biting. Not to the point of extreme pain, but enough to give it some edge.

My back arches from the sensation.

He keeps making his way down: kissing my stomach, my waist, my upper thigh...

He spreads my legs open, revealing my wet pussy.

Ghost's grin is feral. And that does something to me.

My core tightens. My body burns with heat. My heart is racing a hundred miles per minute.

He begins kissing my inner thighs while gripping them tightly. After a while, he starts biting them and it hurts, but again, in a good way.

Ghost places his lips on my pussy and kisses it.

I could melt.

He sticks his tongue into my folds and quickly finds his way to my clit.

He's really good at this. He must have done this with tons of women.

Why does the thought of him with other women bother me?

Ghost begins licking faster and all thoughts flee from my head.

"Fuck," I moan out as I grip the bed sheets.

He goes through intervals of sucking on my clit and then flicking it with his tongue.

I feel shivers run throughout my body.

"Just like that." My hips buckle.

With one hand I continue gripping the sheet and with the other, I grip the back of his head, being mindful of his balaclava.

The last thing I want to do is spook him by thinking I'm trying to remove his mask and then he stops completely. Because Ghost is eating my pussy like it's his last meal and I've never felt anything better.

A Ghost Encounter: My Time with Simon "Ghost" RileyWhere stories live. Discover now