Part Five: This Can't Be Happening

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This can't be happening. This is what they needed me for? No way. I can't do this.

"Captain Price, stay here with the rest of 141 and discuss logistics and strategies for locating and capturing the missiles." Shepherd orders, his tone full of commandment.

"Yes, sir." Price complies and gathers around his men to begin strategizing.

"Lieutenant Ghost. Sergeant Breanna. Please follow me," Shepherd tells us and heads for the door.

I look over to Ghost but he's already started making his way to the door as well.


What am I gonna do?

Shepherd, Laswell, and Ghost have already made their way out of the briefing room.

I get up and finally make my way towards the door.

Shit. Shit. Shit!

I leave the briefing room and meet Shepherd, Laswell, and Ghost in the hall.

"Thoughts, Breanna? By the look on your face, I can tell this is shocking for you," Laswell analyzes and crosses her arms.

Yeah no shit it's shocking, Laswell. Jesus Christ.

I scoff in disbelief. "Shocking might be a bit of an understatement. I mean, this is why I was recruited for 141? To play the role of a whore?"

My attitude to my superior officers is disrespectful but I'm trying my best not to freak the fuck out.

"I understand your concern but this is the fastest most effective way for us to take out Hassan," Shepherd says firmly as he attempts to reassure me.

"We have no idea where Hassan's private residence is located, but, we know the location of an exclusive sex club that he frequents. This sex club is usually where he picks the women and girls he'd like to traffic."

Jesus the details of this mission are sounding riskier and riskier.

"The sex club is located in the red light district in Iran. As I said this is an exclusive club for powerful men, so you and Ghost need to talk strategy on how you plan to get in," Shepherd concludes.

I look over at Ghost and he's looking directly at me. I give him a sour look and then face Shepherd again.

"And when I get in this club I do what? Convince Hassan that I'm prized goods so he finds me worthy of sex trafficking?" I ask sarcastically.



"This is risky. What if she gets caught?" Ghost asks.

He speaks again. The tone in his voice isn't so much concern for me, but more concern that I'll fuck up the mission.

"Then it's your job to help her escape." Shepherd gives Ghost a pointed look. "I highly encourage you two to spend the rest of these two weeks together devising a plan and preparing for the unexpected."

Ghost and I turn our heads to face each other. He looks calm, though his eyes remain cold.

I can't see my own face but I'm sure it looks distraught.

Thanks a lot for approving this Captain Winters. When I see her I swear to God...

"We'll leave you to it then," Laswell says.

Commander Shepherd and Laswell take their leave.

Ghost and I continue to stand silently for a while.

"Let's go." Ghost motions for me to follow him and I do.

I'm too stunned by the news of this mission to question where we're going.

Eventually, we make it to his office. It's dull in here.

"Sit down," he orders.

I do just that. The only thing between us is a desk.

I can't help but to continue aimlessly gaze around his office.

"You done?" Ghost asks annoyed, like I've ruined his whole day just by being in his presence.

"And if I'm not?" I sketch a brow, challenging him.

"We don't have time for your back talk. It's time to focus now," Ghost says, belittling me.

I feel the irritation in me growing as he talks down to me.

"I am focused. Shit, the mission is the only thing on my mind right now," I scoff. "You knew about this? You knew the role I had to play this whole time?"

Ghost looks me dead in the eyes. There's no real emotion in his eyes as he says, "I did."


"This is bullshit! You really think this is the best plan?" I raise my voice, clearly flustered.

Calm down, Breanna. I try to focus on anything else to ease my worries.

"You need to manage your emotions better. This is an important role to take out a highly dangerous terrorist. Don't act like a child," Ghost deadpans.

Oh, fuck no. He's done it now. The anger issues passed onto me by my mom are coming up.

"Me? Acting like a child?" I scoff in disbelief. In offense. "You're the one who's been standoffish since we met. That's pretty childish if you ask me."

I can feel the irritation emanating from Ghost behind his skull mask.

"Don't forget you're speaking with a superior," he warns. More like threatens, actually.

"Is that a threat?" I place my hands flat on his desk and stand up.

"Consider it a warning. Now. Sit. Down," Ghost growls, seemingly unimpressed by my outburst.

"I don't think I will," I continue to stand with my arms crossed.

I've never been so disobedient with a commanding officer before, but he's managed to bring out the worst in me.

"Seems the rumors about you are true as well," he scoffs.

What did he just say to me?

This is going to get really ugly really fast.

A Ghost Encounter: My Time with Simon "Ghost" RileyWhere stories live. Discover now