Part Ninety-Six: Secondary Succesion

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Secondary succession occurs when plants and animals recolonize a habitat after a major disturbance—such as a devastating flood, wildfire, landslide, or human activity—which significantly alters an area but does not render it completely lifeless.

Monday - 7:30 AM


The annoying buzz of the doorbell wakes me from my slumber. I already know who's at the door which is why I'm dreading getting out of bed.

Groggily, I make my way to my front door wearing only a black, lace thong and a cropped white tank top that doesn't do a great job of concealing my breasts.

Swinging the door open to find Simon outside, I bark with annoyance, "You're early."

Without saying anything his eyes dart straight to my breasts and then my legs.

His breath hitches and I see the heat in his eyes. And something about that—that look on his face—makes my body tingle.

Control yourself, Breanna.

I roll my eyes at him, turn on my heel, and make my way into the kitchen.

As he enters my apartment behind me I can still feel his lingering gaze which is most likely focused on my nearly bare ass.

"Have you forgotten how to speak?" I huff, turning on the stove to make some tea.

He gives me a warning glare but then checks his watch. "We're leaving exactly at 8:00 AM."

I check the clock: 7:40 AM.

"I thought the appointment was at 9:00 AM," I sigh, pouting.

When I was in the Task Force, I grew accustomed to waking up at the butt crack of dawn. But not that I've spent some time away, and because I'm almost positive I'm severely depressed, I struggle to wake up before 10:00 AM.

"It is," he confirms and pauses for a moment. "But I need to stop somewhere first."

Stop somewhere, huh? Where and what is this "somewhere"?

"Fine." I head for my bedroom. "There's tea on the stove!" I yell from inside my room.

From where Simon is sitting on the couch he can see directly into my room since the door—by my design—is left open.

I figure I might as well find entertainment in rilling up Simon if he's forcing his presence in my life.

Knowing all too well that he's peering into my room I strip down naked. After I remove my already minimal amount of clothing I shoot my gaze to him and meet his stare.

In a state of fluster, his cheeks revealing a hint of pink, he turns his head in the opposite direction.

I can't help the smile that fills my face.

He's cute and my heart aches in remembrance of when we first felt this way, this playful desire.

It was after we went shopping for our "disguises" for our first mission together. Oh, how our hearts raced against each other as I sat atop his lap in his office, wearing nothing but skimpy lingerie.

That feels like a lifetime ago...

My knees buckle and the memory threatens to send me crashing into the floor.

I finish getting dressed and make my way back to the living room.

"You don't wear your mask anymore?" I ask incredulously.

He didn't care about Zach seeing his face the night he turned up at my apartment. But then again Simon hadn't expected anyone to be in my apartment, especially not doing...what we were doing.

A Ghost Encounter: My Time with Simon "Ghost" RileyWhere stories live. Discover now