Part Forty-Two: The Great Escape - Part Three

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I am frozen in shock, too afraid to look at what I already know is there: Darya's dead body.

In a matter of seconds, Ghost shoots Hassan in both of his legs, leading him to fall to the ground.

Farah stays with the group of hostages, trying to calm them down after they just witnessed the brutal murder of a child.

Ghost approaches Hassan, pinning down with his legs, yelling, and interrogating him.

But me? I can't move. I can feel my heartbeat in my ears. I'm trying to remember my coping skills...

After I was removed from my home because of my mother's neglect and stepfather's abuse, I was forced to attend therapy by a judge.

It feels so long ago but I remember my therapist teaching me how to cope with my feelings. But it feels too hard to do that right now.

What did she say? Deep breaths? Distractions?

I'm completely zoned out until I hear someone call my name. I look up and see Farah right in front of me, placing her hand on my shoulder.

Now is not the time to break down, Breanna. Keep it together.

And with that, I take a few deep breaths, come back to reality, and lay my eyes upon Darya.

I am instantly filled with a rage I cannot control and storm over to where Ghost and Hassan are. I grip my P890 and point it directly at Hassan's head.

Taken aback, Ghost looks up at me saying, "Wait."

No. I will not wait.

"You finally joined us." Hassan mocks me as he's pinned underneath Ghost, legs bleeding.

Completely ignoring Ghost's request I address Hassan.

"I have three questions for you, and you will answer them, or I will kill you," I hiss, my tone murderous.

Hassan smirks cheekily but his face quickly contorts with pain as Ghost applies more pressure on his wounds.

"Who are Darya's parents?"

Hassan remains silent.

So I shoot near his head, the bullet grazing his cheek, barely missing him.

This prompts Hassan to tell me who her parents are.

"Where can I find them?" I ask my second question.

Hassan immediately answers.

"Final question, and you better be honest..." I sneer at him.

"Spit it out," Hassan growls his impatience.

"Did you ever touch her?" My heart stops as I wait for the answer I already know the answer to.

I just need confirmation before I do what I'm about to do.

"Silly girl thinks confronting me will solve all her problems and change the things that happened to her," Hassan deadpans.

What the fuck did he just say to me?

"Did. You. Touch. Her?" I snarl, letting him know I will not repeat myself.

"All the time." Hassan's grin is feral, his expression prideful, and his eyes lifeless.

Something in me snaps.

Ghost catches on and anticipates my next move. "Breanna wai-"

Without hesitation, I pull the trigger and cut Ghost off with the loud sounds of a gun firing.

A Ghost Encounter: My Time with Simon "Ghost" RileyWhere stories live. Discover now