Part Fourty-Five: Return to Base

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A few days have passed and it's officially time to return to our base.

Farah is doing much better, practically wholly healed.

She and Price have been spending the last few days together, which makes me happy.

Yesterday, Farah took her leave and went back home.

I could tell it was hard for Price to say goodbye, but he does a hell of a job of concealing the emotional side of him.

Out of everyone in the Task Force, Price seems the most reserved. He's quiet, calm, and collected.

Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever seen Price get too worked up or yell about anything.

Quite the opposite of a couple of people I know...

Ghost has healed up nicely, too. His bullet wound to the shoulder didn't do much damage. It was more of a scare than a serious threat.

Task Force 141 meets up at the location where we first arrived in Iran: the landing strip at an Iranian military base that has been working closely with 141.

Despite our victories of rescuing the hostages, obtaining two out of the three missiles, and taking out Hassan and Graves, everyone still seems pretty on edge.

It appears our biggest challenge is yet to come: Shepherd.

We all board the jet and with that take our leave from Iran, the place I'd never like to revisit for obvious reasons.

The flight back was quiet and there was a lot of tension in the air.

Again, Shepherd was someone the Task Force admired, someone they thought they could trust.

I did some research on the man himself. General Shepherd, also referred to as "Golden Eagle" has served in many wars, doing great work for the American people. Before now, he was seen as a loyal, honest, and a dedicated soldier.

Shepherd especially did a lot of work against our Russian enemies. He served as the supreme commander of the U.S. military forces during the Second Russian Civil War.

A few years after the inception of Task Force 141, Shepherd created Shadow Company.

I could go on and on about the achievements of the General, but all this to say, he was highly revered and the Task Force is taking his betrayal very hard.

Especially Ghost.

Whenever I try to discuss the topic with him he shuts down, even getting agitated at times. Ghost only wants to talk about Shepherd in the context of the mission and with the rest of the Task Force members.

I want to talk with him about it but I'm afraid I'll push him too hard, and in turn, he'll distance himself from me.


After a grueling almost 16-hour flight, we make it back home to the Task Force 141 base.

The base seems...different. Since being away and immersed in the mission, it feels weird to be in a space of calm; and of normality.

A Ghost Encounter: My Time with Simon "Ghost" RileyWhere stories live. Discover now