Part Eighteen: Iran

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Today's the day.

The mission is finally coming to fruition.

Take a deep breath, Breanna.

I pack my bags and get ready to head out for the mission.

I'm wearing a long-sleeved black shirt, cargo pants, combat boots, and my tactical vest with my hair tied back in a high ponytail.

Carrying my bags, I head to the briefing room.

Everyone's already in, including Shepherd and Laswell.

Shit am I late? I check my watch.

5:55 AM

I still had five minutes to spare.

I take a seat and notice Ghost is a few seats down from me. We make eye contact for a brief moment but quickly dart our eyes away.

"Now that we're all here let's begin," Laswell states.

"Soap, Gaz, and Price have found some leads on where the missiles might be located, but nothing 100% concrete. As soon as we arrive in Iran the three of them will investigate their leads."

Laswell looks at me.

"Breanna and Ghost will be checking into Ahmad Moradi's hotel as soon as we land."

I nod my head.

"This mission is highly important. Don't let us down," Shepherd says firmly.

That's a lot of pressure...

Task Force 141 leaves the briefing room, making our way to the hangar, and board up in a private jet.

I've never been on a plane before coming to the Task Force, let alone a jet.

I sit down in my seat.

Soap is sitting directly to my left and Gaz is on my right. Directly across from me is Ghost, but he's refusing to look at me.

Price is sitting right next to him.

The plane starts to take off and the shaking is making me anxious.

Subconsciously I grip the seat.

"You alright?" Soap smiles at me but I can tell he's a little concerned.

"Yeah, haha. I've never been on a plane before." I chuckle nervously.

"I'll hold your hand if you get scared." Soap playfully winks at me.

He's cute.

"I might take you up on that," I wink in response.

I notice Ghost is staring at us now. He's so confusing.

141 chats with each other throughout the flight.

"Ready to be the hero?" Captain Price asks me, a smirk on his face.

Way too much pressure.

"Not a hero," I shake my head playfully, rejecting the title. "But I am ready."

At least I think I am.

"That's good to hear." Price gives me a thumbs up.

We sit in silence for a few moments.

"So does this mean you have to sleep with Hassan?" Gaz asks as he sketches a brow.

Why would Gaz ask me that?

"W-what?" I blush, taken aback by his blunt question.

How do I even respond to that?

"No," Ghost states blandly, answering for me.

A Ghost Encounter: My Time with Simon "Ghost" RileyWhere stories live. Discover now