Part Fifty-One: The Victory

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"The missile has been located and secured," Laswell says proudly over the comms.

With that news, I stop holding my breath and exhale deeply with relief.

It's over now. No more Hassan. No more Shadows. No more Shepherd.

"Once Soap's patched up, everyone makes their way down the tower and to the entrance. We'll recoup there," Price orders.

"Yes, Captain," I reply.

"Already on it," Ghost claims.

I look over at Soap and the medic.

"Nearly done. We'll get up and out of here in no time," the medic tells us.

"Music to my ears," Soap chuckles softly with relief.

After a few moments, the medic finishes what he's doing.

"How you feeling, Sergeant." I walk over to Soap and wrap his arm around my shoulder to support him as he walks.

"Much better." He winks at me.

He's got to stop with that. Soap says "No hard feelings" and that he doesn't want Ghost to come after him but he's being the biggest flirt.

"You're asking for trouble," I chuckle, shaking my head as we walk.

"Me? No! Never." He pretends to be offended, widening his eyes.

I roll my eyes.

Soap chuckles.

Myself, Soap, Gaz, and everyone else make our way down the Arch Industries Tower.

As we exit the doors the first face I see is his: my favorite thing.

Well, my favorite thing is under the mask he's currently wearing...

"Ghost!" I run up to him, moving past everyone else.

Without thinking I do a little hop and fling my arms around Ghost's neck to hug him tightly. He places his hands on my lower back, hugging me loosely, but his grip is tight.

We stay in that embrace for at least ten seconds and then I pause when I hear the sound of silence.

My arms are riddled with goose bumps, my breathing labored, and my face warm and pink.

We slowly and awkwardly pull away from each other's embrace and stare at each other in the eyes.

I'm afraid to turn around but I slowly and stiffly do. When I meet the wide eyes and jaw-dropped faces of my comrades I feel my heart sink to my ass.

"Hahaha!" Soap is laughing his ass off because Gaz's jaw is on the floor.

Laswell softly chuckles.

Price is standing with his eyes wide, mouth slightly ajar, and with a puzzled look on his face. After a few seconds, the corners of his mouth curl up and he has a cheeky no-fucking-way smirk on his face.

"I knew it!" Soap continues laughing.

Laswell rolls her eyes playfully at Soap.

Gaz is still in shock.

"Well, this is interesting," Price croons.

Mortified, I turn to look at Ghost and he looks just as mortified, if not more so.

I can see through the eye holes of his mask that his eyes are wide and his face pale like he's seen a Ghost himself.


A Ghost Encounter: My Time with Simon "Ghost" RileyWhere stories live. Discover now