Part Eleven: What the Hell Just Happened?

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I walk up to my door and slowly turn the handle.

It's him.

"Y-yes?" I stammer, my nervousness palpable.

Take a breath, Breanna.

"Can I come in?" Ghost asks nonchalantly like I wasn't just riding his lap.


"Sure." I steel my nerves, trying to play it cool.

Ghost enters my private quarters and starts to look around.

"See anything you like?" That was my best attempt at small talk, ladies and gentlemen.

"Not really."


"Your room suits you," he scoffs, his eyes still roaming around my space.

"How so?" I inquire.

"It's all over the place. Like you," Ghost says matter-of-factly as he turns to face me.

What the hell...Am I all over the place? I hate the way he makes me doubt myself.

"Fuck you, too," I sneer.

"Hmm." Is his only response, seemingly unimpressed by my anger. Ghost walks over to my couch and takes a seat.

Why the hell is he here?

Not to mention it's super awkward considering we almost kissed in his office.

"Is there something I can do for you?" I scoff. I walk over to where he's seated on my couch and stand before him, my hands placed firmly on my hips.

"We never finished training. You left," he deadpans.

Pfft. The man's stoicism knows no bounds.

"Yeah, well Soap interrupted and I wasn't in the mood to listen to you chat for an hour." I flash him a peeved smile.

Ghost silently looks up at me, as if waiting for me to continue.

Ugh, this guy. Now I have to scramble for something to say.

"Well, what did you think?" I blurt out.

Shit...I feel my face getting warm.

"I mean...what did you think of my tactic?" I gulp, instantly regretting asking that question.

Ghost chuckles softly.

I swear to God if he says anything offensive...

"When's the last time you've been with a man?"

What. The. Fuck.

Did he really just ask me that?

"W-why does that matter?" I blush as I stutter my words.

"Just answer the question," he demands.

"You first." Is the only thing my racked brain could manage to come up with.

"I'm fairly certain I just gave you an order," Ghost says firmly.

Is he even allowed to pull rank in a situation like this?

"I-" I begin my sentence, but my head empties when our eyes meet and I see something like intrigue swirling in his. "I'd appreciate it if you answered the question first."

"When's the last time I've been with a man?" He chuckles and I can tell he's sketching a brow by the way his eyes shift under his mask.

This cheeky motherfucker.

A Ghost Encounter: My Time with Simon "Ghost" RileyWhere stories live. Discover now