Part Ten: Pushing Boundaries

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I stand there like a deer in headlights.

This is torture.

Ghost remains seated behind his desk and is simply staring up at me. I can't discern the emotion lying within those eyes.

"You've been with a woman, right?" I ask cautiously.

Ghost sighs and says with irritation, "What's your point?"

Breanna, you're embarrassing yourself.

"Well, what do you like?" My arms are still crossed tightly around my body and I avert my gaze to a framed certificate hanging on his wall.

Ghost sits there quietly.

"Haven't you been with a man before?" He scoffs.

I quickly dart my head over to him and give him a sour look that says watch it.

He sighs heavily, deeply. "Just do what comes naturally."

Stupid. What does that even mean?

Here goes nothing.

In the lingerie set and heels, I slowly walk up to where Ghost is seated, making my way around his desk.

My body feels warm. My heartbeat is racing.

Why am I so worked up? It's just Ghost. Calm down, Breanna.

I lean down, placing my hands firmly on his thighs, and whisper into Ghost's ear, "Ready lieutenant?"

His breath hitches.

Slowly, I lower myself down and sit on his lap so I'm straddling him, and wrap my arms around his neck.

We stare at each other intensely. Normally I'd look away but it feels like I'm being sucked in.

I feel a hardness under me. His boner rubs up on my clit.

God, that feels good.

I slowly put my hands on his cheeks and start lifting his mask.

He quickly snatches my arm, warning a raging storm in his eyes

It appears he takes his privacy very seriously. I wonder if anyone has seen his face.

I give him a look that says trust me. Though he has no real reason to.

In a leap of faith, or because his mind is clouded by arousal, Ghost slowly lets go of my arm and I lift his mask just above his lips.

They're plump. They look soft.

Ghost places his big hands on either side of my waist, gripping softly.

My breath hitches.

I lean in slowly as I make my way in for a kiss.

Our lips brush, the sensation shooting tingles up my spine. And just as we're about to kiss there's a knock on the door.


I jolt up from Ghost's lap and quickly compose myself.

"L.T., it's Soap." His voice is muffled from the other side of the door.

Thanks a lot, Soap.

"What is it, Soap?" Ghost sounds frustrated, flustered even.

Soap enters Ghost's office and notices my getup.

"Quite the beauty." Soap blushes and smirks at me.

I can't help but blush more and push my hair behind my ear.

Man, I can't think straight right now.

"Thank you," I respond softly.

I notice Ghost is staring at me.

Soap ends up consulting with Ghost about his ideas for a strategy to find the missiles.

I use this as an opportunity to take my leave.

I hastily put my regular clothes on over the lingerie and leave the Lieutenant's office.

As I walk down the halls towards the living area I can't help but still feel hot and bothered.

What am I doing? I don't even like Ghost.

He's annoying and rude. But he's confident and smart.

Stop it! Man, I'm so screwed.

I enter my private quarters.

I wonder what Ghost thought of that encounter. He did get a boner...

Shit. My arousal is becoming unbearable.

I plop down and lay in my bed. Pulling my covers over me, I squeal and kick my legs up like a fucking teenage girl.

I normally hate physical touch but his touch made me feel...different.

Just as I am about to take the matter of my arousal into my own hands—my fingers inching their way down my underwear—I hear a loud sound.


It's a knock at the door.

It can't be...

A Ghost Encounter: My Time with Simon "Ghost" RileyWhere stories live. Discover now