Part Fifty-Five: Turn of Events

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For the next few days, Ghost avoids me like the plague. I've tried to talk to him but it's no use.

I'm scheduled to leave tomorrow at 5:00 AM. My flight has been booked and everything is now set in stone.

There's one word I can use to sum up what I'm feeling: grief.

There's been no loss of life but I'm losing relationships, and potential "what ifs". My original base and the 141 base are about 4 hours apart via plane. It's not far but not a trip I could make regularly, especially if I'm deployed somewhere.

And once I'm gone I doubt we'll be contacting each other often.

I've gotten so used to this place, to the Task Force, to him. My abandonment issues are eating at my heart right now.

I've dealt with so much loss that this is all feeling so overwhelming and painful. I didn't expect to get close to anyone here. I shouldn't have let them in because now I have to reap the consequences of emotional attachments.

Soap and Gaz spent the entire day with me yesterday. We went out to a local fair, played games, got a bite to eat.

Soap cried and said how happy he was to have met me, and how he wished I could stay forever.

I wish that too.

The day before that I spent a few hours talking with Price. We didn't talk about anything specific, just whatever came up. It was a great conversation, though. I appreciated getting to know him more and being able to feel comfortable sharing about myself.

I've almost finished packing all of my bags.

I wonder if Ghost will say anything or if he'll just let me leave without saying goodbye...

Even if he doesn't I snuck into his room this morning and left a letter on his bedside table. He's busy with briefings and training all day so I doubt he'll see it anytime soon.



I get up from sitting on my bed and head for the door. When I open it I'm greeted by Captain Price. A feeling of disappointment fills me.

I can't help the frown that tugs on my lips. "Good afternoon, Captain."

"Good afternoon, Roberts..." he pauses when he notices my frown. "Expecting somebody else?"

"N-no," I clear my throat, embarrassed that I wear my heart on my sleeve.

Price chuckles, "May I come in?"

"Of course."

Price enters my private quarters and slowly looks around the room.

Why is he here? To say goodbye again?

"Is something the matter?" I sketch a brow.

"I have," he says vaguely, his focus planted on a picture frame of myself and Sarah from when we were kids.

"News? Well, don't keep me waiting," I chuckle nervously, trying to play it off but failing.

News can mean anything.

"I spoke with your Captain." He turns to face me.

Captain Winters?

"She speaks highly of you," Price says proudly.

"That's good to hear," I smile softly.

Price pauses for a moment. What is going on?

"Captain Price?" I call out to him.

"I requested that you stay here permanently, that you become an official Special Task Force Member for 141. Captain Winters agreed." He smiles warmly; and widely.

My heart stops beating for a second, my breath hitching.

Is this...really happening? Goosebumps cover my arms.

Me? An official Task Force 141 member?

Price requested that I stay permanently...but why? Just because of Ghost? But he doesn't want me anymore...or did he request that because he thinks I'd be a useful addition to the team? Why?

I hear muffled sounds.


"Breanna." Price grabs my shoulder.

Shit. I was dozing off.

"S-sorry," I stammer, embarrassed.

Price just smiles at me.

"You want me to stay? But why?" I ask confused.

"Why?" Price chuckles. "How could you not possibly know why? Since being assigned to this mission you've done nothing but outperform yourself. We wouldn't have been able to take out Hassan without you." He smiles at me with admiration in his eyes. "Plus, everyone here loves you."

They love me?

It's been a long time since I was loved and when I was it was far and few between. Being loved always comes with conditions and ulterior motives.

Well, maybe not always.

I've only truly been loved by two people up until now: my father and my sister. Outside of that, I don't think I've ever been loved. Or maybe I just couldn't tell.

I believed that Ghost loved me but now I'm not so sure.

My eyes must be wide and shock written on my face because Price just keeps chuckling.

"Breanna, everyone asked me if you could stay." He pauses.

Even Simon?

"Hell, Soap was ready to fight me if I said no," Captain Price chuckles, shaking his head playfully. "We want you here."

They want me to stay.

They want me.


But does he want me to stay? Like, actually want me to stay?

"Well?" Price waits in anticipation.

"I need to talk to Simon."

He nods his head in understanding.

"Come back to me with your decision before your plane leaves tomorrow." Price gives me one more hug before leaving my quarters.

Holy shit.

I need to find Simon.

A Ghost Encounter: My Time with Simon "Ghost" RileyWhere stories live. Discover now