Part Eighty-Four: Static

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Back to Breanna's Point of View (POV)


I start waking up due to the beeping sound, barely able to keep my eyes open and look around the room I'm in.

It's ridiculously bright in here.

Once my eyes adjust I'm able to fully take in my surroundings: white walls, a monitor, a hospital bed, and...and Simon sitting in a chair, fast asleep, to my left.

W-why am I here?

I continued my investigation and found that my side had been bandaged. Oh, right. I was shot.

How long have I been out? I'm trying to remember what happened last...

König. I remember König and then...

"You're awake." The British voice I've become accustomed to pulls me from my trance. "Are...are you alright? How are you feeling?" Simon stands from his seat, approaches the hospital bed I'm on, and cups his hand gently on my cheek.

Still in shock, and feeling completely overwhelmed, my only response is a subtle nod.

"Let me grab you some water." Simon turns on his heel and leaves the room momentarily.

A few moments later a nurse walks in.

"Glad to see you're awake." The nurse smiles at me. "How are you feeling?" She begins checking my vitals.

"F-fine," I manage to say, though my voice is shaky. " long have I been asleep?"

The nurse turns to face me with a soft smile on her face. "Oh, well, not too long," she says reassuringly. "Only three days."

Three days? A lot can happen in three days...

Oh, shit! The mission! Did we kill Makarov? Did we deactivate the bombs? Did anyone die-

"It's normal for you to feel disoriented and a bit overwhelmed." Her words are kind and full of understanding.

She must have noticed my internal freakout.

"When can I leave?" I ask the nurse frantically.

She chuckles softly, "Now that you're awake...soon. Your wound is healing nicely, the medication is doing its job, there's no sign of infection, and you appear to be stable," she pauses, contemplating. "I'll check in with your doctor and come back to you with a checkout time. Sound good?"

"Okay." I nod softly. "Thank you."

"Alright. I'll be back." She winks at me.

As she exits the room Simon enters almost simultaneously with a glass of water.

"Any news?" he asks as he hands me the glass.

"She said I should be able to go home soon...maybe even today," I say softly, my throat a little hoarse.

Simon takes a deep breath. "Good. That's really good." He pulls the chair from earlier up and sits down right next to the hospital bed.

"Makarov..." I look Simon in the eyes. "Is he?" I bite my lip.

"He's been neutralized."

I sigh with relief, "And the bombs?"

"Taken care of," Simon says reassuringly.

"Is..." My throat bobs. "Is everyone alright?"

Simon's gaze softens and he places a hand gently on mine. "Everyone is alive and safe."

A Ghost Encounter: My Time with Simon "Ghost" RileyWhere stories live. Discover now