Part Ninety-Nine: You and Me

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The house Simon bought for us took my breath away when I laid my eyes upon it: a rustic, one-story house on a one-acre plot nearer to the mountainside of the city and not in the bustling center—sort of secluded—which is ideal.

Without even asking me, it's sort of like he'd known exactly what I would have liked.

After turning the key and letting us into our home, I was amazed by the potential. Naturally, the house was empty, save for a mattress in the middle of the living room, but we'd have it furnished and decorated in no time.

My mind started wandering with thoughts of what it would look like once it was complete, the company we'd keep here, and the memories we would make.

"It's perfect." I smile at Simon, my eyes beaming with excitement.

He just looks at me with a soft smile and eyes so full of love and admiration that it sends my heart racing.

Remaining silent, he slowly takes a few steps closer to me, our chests now touching as he grips my waist with one hand and cups my face with the other.

He opens his mouth to speak but then bites down, contemplates, and then looks at me with solemn eyes.

"What is it?" I ask carefully, looking up at him.

"Your happiness is everything to me," he says earnestly. "And I want you to have no regrets. If this isn't what you want..." He removes his hand from my face and motions around the room. "If I'm not what you want..."


He cuts me off.

"I've hurt you." The guilt in his voice shakes my core. "I'd understand."

I'd understand if you said no and I'd understand if you left me, are the words he left unsaid.

"We've hurt each other." I brush my hand on his cheek and he leans into it. "And we've learned from it. I want this, Simon. With everything I am, I want this. You and me." And I mean every word.

"You and me," he whispers and then cups my face with both of his hands, bringing my face to his, and kisses me.

Simon kisses me so fiercely, so passionately, that my entire body threatens to boil over from heat.

Too long.

It's been too long since Simon and I have touched each other's bodies. Since we've become one.

With an insatiable hunger rising within me, one I see in Simon's eyes as well, I press my lips deeper into his.

Closer. I need us to be closer.

Simon walks—me walking backward—until we reach the mattress, not breaking our kiss.

He gently lays me down on the mattress and towers over me, still standing.

No words are needed. We're communicating with our eyes; and our bodies.

Not peeling my gaze from his, I slowly and seductively start removing my clothes. He does the same. Soon, we're both naked, just admiring one another.

As Simon's eyes roam my body I can see his chest rising and falling faster than before.

With a seductive grin, I slowly spread my legs open for him, showing him what's his, wet and ready for his taking.

Simon slowly squats down, getting on his knees before me, and admires what's in front of him.

He presses a gentle kiss on my center and whispers, "So beautiful."

My face burns red hot and my need for him only grows. It's taking everything in me not to pounce him, so I beckon my hips towards him in a silent plea.

"Greedy," he chuckles playfully, wearing a cheeky grin. "And so impatient."

I shoot him a glare that's quickly replaced with a face of pure ecstasy as he buries his tongue between my folds and licks his way through my center and to the bundle of nerves at my apex.

He spares me nothing as he feverishly licks and sucks my clit and it's more powerful than I last remembered.

It's been too long since I've felt this, felt him.

Simon then slips two fingers inside of me while simultaneously licking.

"Oh, Simon," I moan as I grip his hair.

I thrust my hips with his rhythm, throwing myself deeper and deeper into his touch. And as I near my release he chuckles against me, licks harder, and the knot in my stomach bursts.

Squealing with pleasure, I ride out my climax on his face, and Simon savors every last drop. He then stands and makes his way on top of me.

He positions himself at my entrance but then stops.

"You have no idea how badly I've wanted to do this. How badly I've needed this," he groans, his eyes darkened with lust and pure need.

"Then what are you waiting for," I challenge, grinning wickedly at him.

With that enticing invitation, Simon lifts my legs over his shoulders and pushed himself into me—but only a fraction—giving me time to adjust after so much time had passed without having him inside of me.

He then pulls almost all the way out, making direct eye contact with me, and slowly shoves himself in again, deeper this time.

A soft grunt leaves my lips. I don't break eye contact with him.

One more time, he pulls almost all the way out, smiles smugly, and then plows himself into me.

I could have sworn I saw stars.

The fever that is consuming us knows no bounds. Our bodies tangled in each other, we fuck like rabbits. I wrap my legs around his waist, forcing him deeper inside of me, and feel his cock hit the right spot.

And Simon lets out the sexiest, deepest grunt as he feels my walls clenching against his pumping cock.

"Holy fuck," he growls and lifts my head so he can kiss me as he fucks me.

When Simon pulls away from the kiss, I reach one hand up to grip his chest, and my other hand finds my clit.

The face of pure delight and lust in Simon's eyes as he finds me playing with myself as he fucks me sends me over the edge, and him with me.

"Ah! Fuck..." His body shakes. "Oh," Simon whimpers, and his body shutters as he fills me, so much so that I can feel his cum dripping down my thighs.

Simon leans down and kisses me oh so tenderly.

"I love you." I smile up at him.

"I love you, too." He kisses my forehead and lays beside me, pulling me into a cuddle.

"Was it as good as you remembered?" I chuckle.

"Better," he says, looking me over with the hunger in his eyes returning, and pulling me on top of him.

We made love again, and again, and again. We made love all night, not being able to resist each other, and making up for lost time.

A Ghost Encounter: My Time with Simon "Ghost" RileyWhere stories live. Discover now