Part Seventy: Mother Russia

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Simon "Ghost" Riley's Point of View (POV)

*The events of this chapter are happening simultaneously with the previous chapter*



"F-fuck..." I moan out quietly as I engage in self-gratification, gripping my cock firmly, and pounding it up and down.


God, I miss her more than I thought I would.

I miss her smile, her laugh, her beautiful face. I miss her teasing me, her perfect body, the sexy moans she makes...

"Mmhmm..fuck..." My chest begins rising and falling faster than before. My toes are curling uncontrollably and I'm nearing the end.

There's a clear image in my mind: her hard and peaked nipples, her pussy, wet and gleaming, just for me. The way she scrunches her nose right before she's about to come.

That image is all it takes for me to be pushed over the edge.

"Ahh," I pant as cum dribbles down my hand.

Fuck. Gross.

I grab a tissue from the bedside table and clean myself up.

Laswell, Gaz, and I arrived in Russia about five hours ago. We landed at an anti-government militia base whose main goal is to make Russia a better place for its citizens. They know why we're here and they've agreed to help us fight against Makarov.

Fortunately, this base has enough rooms for everyone to sleep privately.

The militia is called "Justice". This group formed amid the Second Russian Civil War, which began in 2011 and ended in 2016. Justice has been working vigorously to take back the power and freedom of the people that its authoritarian leadership stole from them.

The group has agreed to take us to Makarov's safe house in the Caucasus Mountains. They've also provided us with high military-grade weapons and gear because if Makarov and his men are there we'll need all the help we can get.

Please let Makarov be in Russia and not Afghanistan.

I know Breanna is strong but I can't handle the thought of losing her, of losing the only person I've ever truly loved.

Price better keep his fucking promise and look after her.

1:53 AM

Fuck, I should get some sleep...


4:56 AM



Do I hear something?

"Simon." Laswell shakes me to wake me up.

Jolting up in bed I ask, "Laswell...what is it?"

"It's time." She nods.

Right, we're moving fast. We're meeting this morning to discuss strategy and then prepare to make way for Makarov's safe house.

After Laswell takes her leave I get up from bed and begin getting ready for the day.

It's fucking freezing here.

Good thing I have a mask to keep my face warm and the Russian's snow gear is coming in handy.

I finish getting ready and exit the room. I'm greeted by Gaz.

A Ghost Encounter: My Time with Simon "Ghost" RileyWhere stories live. Discover now