Part Seventy-Nine: Scheming

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- The Next Day -

2:00 PM rolled around and it was time for Ghost and me to join the others at Hotel Oasis.

Entering the hotel lobby, I'm immediately hit by the blinding lights from the chandelier, the sounds of luggage being rolled around, and the overwhelming sense of dread associated with those things.

After our mission in Iran, after staying at Ahmad's hotel, my associations with these things became negative. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't instantly triggered when I walked through the hotel doors.

"Price and Laswell are on the 9th floor, room 908," Ghost whispers to me as we approach the front desk of the lobby to check-in. "König is on the 3rd floor, room 329."

I nod in response as we walk up to the receptionist.

"Good afternoon. How may I assist you?" the receptionist asks kindly.

"We're checking in. Reservations were made online," Ghost replies.

"Perfect. First and last name?" He, the receptionist, looks at me as if he's waiting for me to respond.

Ghost cuts in. "Joseph White."

"May I see your IDs please?" The receptionist smiles at me. His name badge reads "Noah".

We pull out our fake IDs and present them to Noah. My undercover name is "Riley White".

"Thank you." Noah adds our IDs to the system. "Well, it is nice to have you stay with us, Riley..." He smiles at me again, holding my gaze for an uncomfortable amount of time. But then he feels the weight of Ghost's stare, quickly averts his gaze, and chuckles awkwardly, "And you as well, Joseph."

Ghost presents Noah with an annoyed, half smile.

After clearing his throat the receptionist says, "You'll be on the 8th floor, room 815. If you turn down the hall you will find the elevator." He points in the direction of the elevator. "Please feel free to call the receptionist desk if you have any questions."

And with that, Ghost and I take our room key, make our way for the elevator, and find room 815. Ghost opens the room door, lets me through, and then slams it behind him.

"Jesus, Simon! What's your prob-"

Before I can finish my statement, Simon pulls his balaclava off and grabs me by the waist, bringing me closer to him.

"What are you-"

He kisses me, hard, cutting me off once again.

Taken aback, I pull away from the kiss. "Not that I'm not enjoying this but...are you alright?" I look at him with confusion, his eyebrows furrowed.

He sighs and shakes his head. "The dumbass downstairs pissed me off," he says reluctantly, most likely a little embarrassed considering his blush.

"The receptionist?" I tilt my head in question.

"Yes," Simon responds curtly.

He's jealous.

"He was just being friendly," I say in defense of the poor receptionist who now has to endure the weight of Ghost's disdain.

"Too friendly," he growls territorially, which heats something inside of me, turning me on. "Please feel free to call the receptionist desk if you have any questions," he repeats, mockingly, what the receptionist said. "He was clearly saying that to you."

A Ghost Encounter: My Time with Simon "Ghost" RileyWhere stories live. Discover now