Part Sixty-Seven: Burning

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"S-Simon!" I squeal.

"Hmm?" He lifts his face from between my legs, smirking with male satisfaction. "What's the matter, love? Want me to st-"

"No!" I push his face back down into my pussy.

Simon chuckles against me and continues licking—flicking—my clit.

God, it feels like my body is burning and the knot in my stomach is about to unwind as I push my hips deeper and deeper into the mouth of the man I love.

And the way he digs his fingernails into my thighs as he pleasures me sends me over the edge.

"F-fuck! Simon!" My voice trembles concurrently with my body convulsing as I ride out my orgasm. "Holy...shit..." I pant, trying to catch my breath.

Simon sits up.

"I'll never get over that sweet taste." He kisses me, sliding my juices onto my lips. "Delicious, no?"

I nod my head in response.

Fuck, he's so hot. Any time I've had sex—or any intimate act for that matter—before Simon doesn't even compare. I've never felt such pleasure or excitement before in my entire life. This man could do anything to me and I'd willingly let him.

"Turn over," he directs.

Simon wraps his hands around my waist to place me on my knees atop the bed.

I feel his hard cock rub against my ass.

I've never done doggy style before so this should be interesting...


Huh? What is he-


Simon is kissing up my spine and it feels...good. He then wraps his hand around my collar and begins sloppily kissing my neck. I can feel his cock growing even harder against my back.

"Mmhmm," I moan.

Simon then grabs my chin and turns my head to directly face his. Within a matter of seconds, the man has his tongue halfway down my throat.

He always tastes the same, like cigarettes and tea. And I fucking love it.

We continue passionately kissing for a few moments.

"Mmhmm," Simon moans.

He then musters up the strength to pull away from our kiss and sits up on his knees directly behind me.

I turn my head to face him and the sight makes my pulse spike. He spits on his hand and then smacks it against my entrance.

Holy fuck.

His cock is right at my entrance, teasing me. Simon rubs himself between my wet folds.

"Fuck," he groans, struggling with his restraint. "Tell me you want it. Tell me you want my big, hard cock inside of you."

"I want you inside of me, Simon," I say breathlessly.

"Say it like you mean it." He grips my hips and readies himself. The only thing he's waiting for is my begging.

And beg I will. I need this man inside of me and I need him now.

"Please fuck me, Simon," I beg, whimpering. "I need your big, hard cock inside of me."

"That's a very good fucking girl," he chuckles seductively and brings me back onto his cock.

"Fuck!" I squeal as he dives deeper and deeper into me at a pace that's beyond fast.

I grip the sheets and my toes curl beyond my control.

Simon gathers my hair in his hand, pulling it, and using it like a rein. He slows his pace a little bit and finds the sweet spot.

"Fuck me, Sergeant," he pants. "I don't think I can last...oh, fuck...much longer..."

"Mmhmm...then...come...for me..." I don't think I can last much longer myself.

"Oh fuck, Breanna. Oh fuck!" Simon whimpers as he pulls out and shoots his come up my back. "Holy hell..."

Knowing I didn't finish quite yet he shoves not one, not two, but three fingers inside of me and finger fucks me to my climax.

"How are good at this?" I chuckle mid-pant as we both lay face up on the bed drenched in sweat.

"Let's just say I've had lots of practice," he says, trying to catch his breath.

God, wrong answer dipshit. I didn't want to hear that...

I pout and give him a sour look.

"Ah now, don't be jealous, sweetheart. None of them compare to you." He kisses my cheek.

Fuck...fine. It's not like he's my first so I can't be upset. It's just that he's the first person I've actually ever cared about.

"Whatever." I roll my eyes as he continues to peck my cheek with his kisses.

"Let's wash up." Ghost gets up from the bed and I follow suit.


The next couple of days go the same: hot and heavy passionate sex. It's almost like Simon's hunger can't be satiated.

He acts like he's never going to see me again but to be fair, he might not. This mission involving Makarov is next level and it would be naive for me to think that love will keep us bulletproof.

4:53 AM

The team meets at 5:00 AM in the briefing room for a check-in and then we take off to our respective locations at 6:00 AM.

I still hate the fact that Simon and I are going to be separated. I've grown so used to him I can't imagine what the days would feel like without him.

Despite this, I know it will be a good experience for me to work alongside Price, Soap, and König. I'm excited to get closer to them and learn from them.

I make my way over to the briefing room and everyone slowly but surely pools into the room.

Laswell and Price check in with us and we go over the details of the mission one last time as a team.

5:47 AM

We all make our way to the plane hangar with our gear and bags. Standing in a circle, Price begins to speak, "Alright, team. Let the hunt for Makarov begin."

A Ghost Encounter: My Time with Simon "Ghost" RileyWhere stories live. Discover now