Part Ninety-One: Self-Destruction

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Back to Breanna's Point of View (POV)

"He...he's gone," Price struggles to say, his jaw tense, as he tries to hold back tears.

My world tilts, and it feels like I can't think.

"No," I say in denial, slowly shaking my head.

"Simon died, Breanna." Price steps closer to me. "There was an explosion in a building and-"

"No!" I wail, cutting him off. "No!"

I refuse to accept this. The Simon "Ghost" Riley is not dead. He can't be.

"Breanna..." Price says my name somberly, walks up to me, and places both of his hands on my shoulders. "Laswell told me this morning."

Simon is dead.
Simon is dead.
Simon is dead.

"Is she certain, though?" I ask frantically, desperate to cling to some form of hope, even if it's faulty. "What if he managed to escape the building? He could still be alive! You and I could go to Las Almas and search for him and-"

He cuts me off, shaking my shoulders as if that'll help me make sense of all this. "Laswell was there, Breanna. She saw the explosion go off. There are no survivors."

Suddenly, I'm overcome with an unbearable amount of despair. My legs wobble and my vision becomes blurred. The only thing I can see are the tears glossing over my eyes and a blurry Captain Price.

In utter shock, I stand there frozen.

"Breanna." Price shakes me softly to try and pull me from my trance.

Angrily, I shove him away from me, hard. "No!" I scream.

Stumbling back a bit, Price's face goes from shock to a disgusting amount of pity.

I don't need pity. Not from anyone.

"Come here." Price approaches me again.

As he walks closer I find it hard to breathe. My heart is racing so fast it's beyond human. My throat feels like it's closing in on itself. The sound of wheezing is all that fills the air.

Price wraps his arms around me. I try and push him away, try and wriggle my way out, but Price just squeezes harder—trapping me inside his embrace.

"It's going to be alright," he whispers against the top of my head and gently rubs my back.

Why? Is this some sort of sick game? Did I fall for a trick?

I was a fool to think I could ever actually have something that I wanted. To believe I could be happy, and sustain that happiness, was naive of me.

I doomed him. Everyone who gets close to me dies or goes away: my dad, my sister, my mom, Soap, and now my dear Simon.

I doomed him.

Simon Riley, the only person who truly understood me. Simon Riley, the only thing that made me hopeful for the future.
Simon Riley, the most beautiful person I've ever known.

A Ghost Encounter: My Time with Simon "Ghost" RileyWhere stories live. Discover now